Donald Trump
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  • No music is much worse now, years ago there was no bad music at all. There are no artists with any passion left at all. It's not like people have been saying the same thing about the decline of music as far back as anyone can remember
    So what you are saying is, you want compound interest like a mutual fund or stock options. Think of it like a checking account.. you get what you get.
    I thought you said the only admin is Allah, I'll talk to it for you and then I'll get back to you.
    320 friends?! good god sir. And my apologies if you really thought I was going to condemn you for the trolls. Mr. I gotta be friends with EVVVVEERRRRYOOOONE! :monster:
    Don't thank me, thank our mutual hero DA. Bono has done so much great work for Africa so it's ok for him to talk down to us, it's not like he wouldn't do the exact same if he wasn't a rock star. After all it's not like he sued a stylist who sold one of his hats on ebay
    Hal is right

    the only people in the world that care about theyre health are bono and bob geldof. The rest of us sleep easy at night.
    I'll bet he has some other nifty plans too, like 'Why doesn't someone just give them AIDs medicine', 'them' of course being every African person ever
    According to my good buddy DA, you should ask for the debts to be erased. I'm totally sure the UK and USA would definitely 100% do this.
    "I builded a big short lasting erection even though im also married"

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