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  • haiku, the deadliest form of verbal assassination

    How is my pal? What's the latest on the rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriots?
    Because my opinion = everything when it's about cookies. It's some backwards logic but all i know is i love it cuz i get to have the first cookie of every batch. :grin:

    yes, yes i know what it means. :mokken:
    I am a cookie monster. :sad3: I am the judge to see if they're good enough when any are made. if my sisters/brother/mom/dad make any they come to me and say "o-cookie queen, are these the cookies of the gods or nay?" then they offer me a cookie and i test the deliciousness of it. After I devoured it I will tell them that I can't ever say any cookie is bad so it's useless asking me :(


    I do not care if they are fatty. :mokken: God gave them to me to eat and so I shall.

    and no... I don't know. :ahmed:

    oh, you mean you're gonna hit me ;(

    Though I can't blame you for ordering it. I got a really good deal on mine from amazon so it really pays to shop around :grin:

    Let me know when you get it and we'll have to have a game :britt:
    I don't like oatmeal raisin cookies either...choco chip is the best :britt:

    ...and where is your ps3 :mokken:
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