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  • WHUT 8(

    You no like oatmeal raisin cookies? D: lies. :mokken: anyone who doesn't like raisins in their oatmeal cookies just never had 'em before. :mokken: i must send you oatmeal cookies or at least urge you to go out and purchase some. Then you must sip it with a glass of cool milk. You will love it.

    I don't like chocolate covered raisins either. I always end up just spitting the raisins out. :wacky: I like it in cereal though :grin:
    hahaha, that's sorta sweet. (no pun intended :lew:) I am def not brown... or shriveled. :wacky:

    I've gotta confess something... the only time I eat raisins is when they're in oatmeal cookies. :mokken: I hate them any other time. :ahmed:
    I'm your california raisin? :melody:

    I am good. I'm trying to start msn but it's being slow. I am happy you are doing well. :3
    Awesome :ryan: glad it's quietened down. It'll all be over soon haha... or at least it better be. I'm away on camp this weekend for a week with cadets and we'd better not get any trouble :hmph:
    They've started where I live Harly D: not my town but a place about 7 miles away, Torquay. Primark and Poundland they've looted, how classy :sad3:
    :sad3: I hope you're ok.
    They've suspended the wearing of cadet uniform until it's quietened down. Like we're gonna have any trouble in a small fishing town :wacky:
    I have noooo idea, I can't afford it anyway, saving up etc etc :sad3:
    :gasp: don't let them get you :sad3: I hope it calms down soon!
    How's London :sad3: I heard people in Camden were rioting too and was quite glad I didn't buy tickets to see Dir en grey, since they're playing on Friday and it might get cancelled :wacky:
    Are you alright? :gasp:
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