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  • I know man it's such a fucking pain, especially when you don' cop until you have paid to see the film. Trust me though, this will blow you away

    Not only is it my favourite Will Ferrell film, it's also one of my favourite ever films. Nothing like his normal work really, just an amazing story

    I'd say look at the trailer on youtube, but it's one of those trailers that basically spoils the whole film
    I am un-woo-able :grin:

    ...and I've been okay. It was like 102 outside a couple of days ago so I went swimming for 4 hours at my friends and now I'm nursing a horrible sunburn :( ...other than that just work and the likes. I'm waiting for my boss to offer me my position, she was grilling me about school and etc... a couple of days ago so hopefully soon she'll ask. ... oh yeah and getting man-handled by the guys on Blops :gasp:

    I love summer...its a shame so much of it is gone already.
    Thanks :lew:

    ...and so I've heard he's quite the lady killer.

    ...so glad I'm not affected :britt:

    So how've you been Tom its been awhile since we last chatted.
    I have reason to believe it was Ryan. :mokken: I talked to a few people in the SB and they said it was him. (including the italian man that hates me :ahmed:)

    I will confront him now.
    You did, did you? :hmmm: Jolly good find. :griin: Now if only we knew who he spoke to maybe then we could find the culprit . :hmmm: I am very suspicious of Chell. He posted on my profile. :hmmm:

    (youareagoodwatson :ohoho:
    lol. cuz :mokken: I'm the one that's being targeted. :mokken: I suppose we will find out when and if he gets back. :grin:

    Cuz i was suspicious so i used the :ahmed: emote. i guess we can wait till that guy comes back. :mokken:
    i did. :mokken: have to wait for them to get back first.

    but I said I believed you. :mokken:

    You are acting verrry suspicious :ahmed:
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