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  • :ahmed:

    Not sure if I should trust tom or not :ahmed:you know I'm gonna go check bungie, right :mokken: I know I can do that.... :ahmed: ... cant I? :wacky:
    Mockery. :rage: You know you carried us. :ahmed: Although the other day I did two games in snipers first game I went 25 and 1 and then my last game I went 25 and 0. :ohoho:
    By the way, Tom. I do hope your day is as exquisitely jolly as ever, gov'nah. :britt: Jolly good show yesterday on Halo. You carried us ever so perfectly my good chap.
    lmbo, are you kidding me? :lew: you carried me the whole day yesterday. :ahmed: And you're right, we can still play :ohoho: if you get the chance just tell me and I'll hop on there :wacky:
    Soon? my account expires today. :mokken: I win by default. :britt:

    But thank you, it was a no scope and I never do that :wacky:
    like that sniper bullet to the face yesterday, tom :griin:
    ... im just kidding,( it was a mistake to be honest) :wacky:
    Nah I haven't :sad3:
    I don't get them back till like :hmmm: end of August. Nearly TWO MONTHS -__-
    I can't wait now :sad3:
    why hello Harly/Harlequin/Tom

    How've you beeeeeen, you're rubbish at keeping up to date you :mokken:

    Lies. :mokken: but thanks for saying it. :ryan: im fully prepared for my haters to make fun of me for it xD
    Pucca was a jack russel, tom. :ryan: they're very small. Also, i'd like to do the jump thing with the ball. :ohoho:

    Let me know if you man up and get a small dog then...because I totally know what to get you for your birthday...

    A purse :wacky:
    Huskies are so cute but they grow up to eat like another person...and they shed, and yeah :(

    Not that I'm hating...but I have a friend at work who has one and he really thinks he's a person because he takes over her bed and etc...

    They are really cute dogs tho...I just prefer the smaller ones :wacky:

    Jack Russels are cute and they stay pretty small. They are similar to the dog you posted on Cali's page :britt:
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