youve been playing it loooooooads have you? Everytime im on your on it!!!! As for switching to virgin for internet youl turn back into one if you keep no lifing that game =_=
I bought the witcher 3 which is like skyrim and i love it but the best game is dying light. Its like dead island but mixed with mirrors edge. You free run around this city crafting weapons and doing missions etc etc and wrecking the shite out of zombies. Its so much fun. I reckon you should buy it right now and play it with me. We aint caught up in almost a year amigo. Do it for a frienship otherwise my feelings will be hurt :crycrycry:
I bought the witcher 3 which is like skyrim and i love it but the best game is dying light. Its like dead island but mixed with mirrors edge. You free run around this city crafting weapons and doing missions etc etc and wrecking the shite out of zombies. Its so much fun. I reckon you should buy it right now and play it with me. We aint caught up in almost a year amigo. Do it for a frienship otherwise my feelings will be hurt :crycrycry: