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  • youve been playing it loooooooads have you? Everytime im on your on it!!!! As for switching to virgin for internet youl turn back into one if you keep no lifing that game =_=

    I bought the witcher 3 which is like skyrim and i love it but the best game is dying light. Its like dead island but mixed with mirrors edge. You free run around this city crafting weapons and doing missions etc etc and wrecking the shite out of zombies. Its so much fun. I reckon you should buy it right now and play it with me. We aint caught up in almost a year amigo. Do it for a frienship otherwise my feelings will be hurt :crycrycry:
    You susre do pick yer timing well pal! First time ive logged on today in forever. Yeahhhhh its been mostly work though i called inm sick a ferw days last week despite not actually being sick. The worst part is i didnt even enjoy the day off. I spent the entire day feeling guilty for it :sad: I did however just buy myself a ps4. Got it for 300 quid with gta5 and the witcher3. Gunna sell off gta5 but the witcher 3 is an amazing game. I hear the new cod is out soon can you belive that? you thinking of getting it? im unsure myself.

    How life treating ya big man?
    lotr is very good, i agree. have you seen twilight? this is my favorite scene

    this is another good film

    look at this footage i took while i played some shooters the other day
    So basically my life only consisted of FFXIV I wasnt active on fb at all :lew: but now I am back on FB also didnt have a smartphone for over a year. Borrowed a blackberry omg from Marc xD I don't hang out with the cod crew anymore man. Im hanging with better positive minded people now. Good genuine people that keep me motivated instead dragging me down. But yeah it's cool man you decide when to get your fb running again :D enjoy life bro!
    Whats your number bro we can whatsapp and shit? You guys happen to be in a groupchat as well? :D
    Yeah God bless man wish you good luck with your study as always. I do miss ffxiv I adore the game lmao.
    Hello Harlequin. I just wanted you to know, I don't hold being an idiot against you, Chief. That's actually not your fault. I do, however, hold being an ignorant, insensitive, sub-human piece of anti-UN shit, against you. That is your fault. See, you live in the United Kingdom, in the 21st century. There is no excuse for belittling an allied military force, who every day, for the last 14 years has sent men and women onto the battlefield to fight tooth and nail for your liberty and life. You, a spineless coward who sits at home, insulting the warriors who are out there answering the call. I know kids with more fortitude than you.

    How dare you, you irrelevant, pitiful excuse for a man and human being. Your existence is a tragic irrelevancy. You don't even have the right to speak on the subject. Unless you wanna have the stones to be honest about it... That you don't support the allied forces... perhaps even support the terrorists. What the fuck else would motivate a rational, educated human being to say something as stupid and malicious as, "The Canadian military is an irrelevancy." If it weren't for that irrelevancy, your grand parents, maybe great grand parents might have ended in a concentration camp. Meaning your pathetic ass might never have been born, asshole. Your uneducated ass should know what it's talking about before it speaks.
    Yeah, sadly no matter how we look at it, in the end that was clearly Mayweather's fight. Pac knew coming in that the only way to win was to land a K.O. Watching his interview after the fight kind of made me cringe. I felt bad for the guy.

    Ah well.

    And yes, we were all in one apartment complex and two of my relatives were hosting the event, so some of us kept going back and forth between two rooms. xD There were neighbors sitting next to me on the couch whom I didn't even know though - dunno where they came from. I didn't really care, I was so tuned in to the T.V. xD
    I know what you mean. :sad3: People paid huge money to see a good fight, and Manny promised a good fight. Mayweather didn't deliver that and ridiculed/taunted Manny in the ring instead. Now that I have more time to reflect back on it, it truly is quite a disgust to see. Lol you should've seen my brother, he was so pissed last night (and drunk) that he was going around to everyone trying to convince us that the scores were bullshit.

    My aunts were in the kitchen after cleaning up our party and kept saying how they felt sad about it. I was pretty disheartened as I do think the scores were a little off, but the decision seems legit to me, just based on how the judges would 'look' at that fight.
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