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  • Lol! I'm pretty much the same way, then again... I feel like you should be able to say what you want to say without constantly having to filter your meaning for someone else because anyone could misunderstand your words. If that's how we walk around we may as well rage quit the forum, because it's all about posting.

    I guess if you restrict yourself, it does sometimes feel like you can't even give an honest opinion anymore. Which is a bit sad because it's supposed to be a forum where people come together, as long as you don't spew words that should be okay in my opinion.

    But! I'm pretty vocal if I disagree with something anyway. :wacky: So, I dunno where that leaves me.

    Threads like these though... People just make it too personal, and in all fairness I'm not in the mood for that. :gonk:
    No, I'm not angry at all, Tom. :lew: I know you and I could easily set our differences aside even if it were to matter. Nah, though. That thread is a hot mess in my honest opinion, and it's best to bite your tongue instead of get caught up in the moment and say something you'll regret. Not really someone I am in real life, so it's not something I'll be doing online.

    Besides, it's a forum. :lew: Y so srs is beyond me! :D
    If you were the educated man you pretend to be, you might feel inclined to say our Navy is irrelevant, but then you would also know that we have the best snipers in the world, and that our military does more peace keeping than any other country in the world. We don't have numbers, or the best toys, but we fight harder and stronger than any other country on the planet, and always have. When British and American soldiers were dying horrible deaths from mustard gas, we pissed in our hankies and covered out mouths, ambushing the Germans as they swept the trenches!

    You know little of what you speak. It's an insult to what I do and who I am, yo knew that. Own it, or ignore me.
    Do you not understand? I'm 4th generation. My great grandfather died defending British airspace com Germans. And you have the nerve to say we mean nothing. Read a fucking book on either world war. Your military is useless, not mine.
    I am, and it is. You won't understand a word I'm saying, but my mother was a box kicker, my daddy was a wrench monkey, his daddy was a pilot who gave his life defending your motherland, so yes, my resistant friend and brother, it is attacking my every drawn breath.
    :lew: i know! at least i hope so. I'm not too bad thanks, how are you? just been doing loads of uni work so i'm bored and i want a break :sad3:
    i know me neither. daft bugger told me he'd dropped his phone down the toilet which is why he isnt replying to me on whatsapp :wacky: but he hasnt been online in ages either.
    Haha i know, all of the party leaders this time round strike me as prats. i'm quite right wing myself but i really dont like any of them. at the end of the day all politicians are as bad as each other. just as long as the greens never get in, they'd ruin my future job prospects with their anti nuclear stuff.
    I was just on Lew's page leavin a message as ya do

    Had lunch with me and couldn't wait for it to be over huuuuuuuh
    Cheeky shit :monocle:
    (i know you're kidding. i think)
    That fisher gear looks nice. xD GSM too.

    Wait, so...would it be better to go for those new gear or Artisan?
    You may wanna quit for now, then. With the way things are unfolding, I may not have a lot of time to continue playing for a bit. When I get a chance though, I'll sign in and mail them back if I still don't have much time.
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