Jack's Smirking Revenge

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  • Ah yes I remember Sheb being in the first one, and Roland breaking his arms like a boss. It was absolutely amazing, I couldn't believe what happened with his mother though, poor bastard. Despite what happened in Gunslinger it seems that Roland still considers Marten and Walter as separate people :hmmm: Either that or Walter didn't die at the end of Gunslinger
    Yeah it was Wizard and lass, ordered from the book depository which were good last time I ordered. Halfway through it now and it's fucking excellent
    well i get that part

    but like, most stories have like a moral of the story or some shit like that :wacky:
    Fucking ragin, only one book came, and it's not the edition I ordered so it's a different size to the rest
    no, i did not get it at all :wacky:

    but the jacket is about a gulf veteran who was shot in the head and lived who suffers from some kind of something thingy doodle and is heavily medicated and put inside a morgue but he gets really high in there and see and alter his future :monster:
    so i watched fight club

    i didnt get it at all

    like that movie the jacket, the one where kiera knightley gets banged but doesnt show her breasts. its a very trippy film :elmo:
    Ok well that actually sounds amazing, most likely I'll pick them up after I finish the main series. Gonna watch No Country for Old Men considering I still have to wait for my books and it's the closest thing I have
    Not yet, though I am told they were really good. they deal with the fall of Gilead and stuff is it?
    Now to sit and wait for 'Wizard and Glass' and 'Wolves of the Calla', originally there was a six year gap between the wastlelands and WaG, I feel sorry for the bastards who waited that long
    It was a good ending though, obviously they're going to survive it but it was still good. I also love the idea of Blaine and the way he can go transparent etc. Now I'm really looking forward to hearing about Roland's past and more about the ageless stranger. Also 'only half, which half' oh you
    As I always seem to do, ended up reading the second half off The wastelands in one shot, can't believe he let it end like that :rage: The fricking local book shops don't have Wizard and Glass so I'm ordering then next two online but they wont ship till Monday =[
    Blazed through the second half of DoT in a few hours, must say I really enjoyed it. Picked up the Waste Lands in the local easons so I'll be starting it soon
    As it turns out I'm far too hungover to even contemplate reading, I'm just gonna nap on the couch for a while instead. Though I'll definitely finish 'The Drawing of Three' tomorrow. I was fairly sure he had said marten = walter in Gunslinger, but he made it sound like Walter was an agent of Marten in his mini-summary in DoT.
    I finish exams tomorrow, so when I'm hungover Tuesday I'm gonna blaze through the end of 'The Gathering of Three'. Though I did end up reading the end of Gunslinger again at one stage when I was procrastinating. Two quick questions, Marten and Walter were one and the same right? Also did they ever mention what age Roland was before he aged ten years?
    Didn't know that, though it does make a lot of sense when I think about it. I still shudder to think they were considering Christian Bale
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