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  • Lol my idea of a romantic day is usually something cliche from a movie or something. Honestly anything can be romantic with the right person. What's your secret romance recipe? Maybe you could help me out in this department! lol

    With all of that reading you're going to do you sound like my favorite literature teacher I had in high school. She had us read plays like Hamlet, Macbeth, Pygmalion and books like Frankenstein and the green knight! And of course the poems of the British literature were the best parts(John Donne <3)! There's so many amazing things to reads out there so I guess if you're going to teach you might as well read on. :) I hope you can find the time to read them all! :3
    That is wonderful to hear. I'm glad that you love your job.

    I am alright, just finished my last final today, so now I'm off of school for 2 months. :yay:
    Ahaha thank you. I think wanting to be romantic comes from too many movies I watch >.<

    Your job sounds really interesting! I used to want yo look after kids in centers that watched them and what not and tried it once. I couldn't keep that job though because I guess I lack that leadership quality. It's good to hear you're having fun though! Maybe instead of going clubbing one night you all could go to a restaurant or something for fun? ^^ I think you'd make a fine teacher! You've got to be special type of person to be a teacher and you seem to have the passion and drive needed to take on the job! :D

    My winter is going great. I've been planning a trip to go to Newyork City so that should be fun. And I get to take care of my cat who's a toddler. My cat's more entertaining than television these days. xD But nothing's new with me just relaxing until the next school semester.

    And thanks *hugs*. Luckily I have a better relationship with my family nowadays. ^_^
    I hope so >.<. I only have a certain degree of Japanese conversation knowledge. But the language barrier will not stop me from being excited for the game!
    I am importing the Japanese version =)
    Okay then. But you can send that christmas sig and I will add the snow when I have the time. It's quite a quick process.
    Yeah sure! =)
    When will you need it? Because I don't think I am free at the moment. And also, for the next few days I will distracted by XIII-2 XD. But I will do it for you as soon as possible if it is urgent. Do you want me to resend you the GIF file after making the snow animation? Or the PSD file?
    I'm doing good! I meant every word you are beautiful and a nice person at heart from what I've witnessed. ^^ How are you doing this winter?
    Hey thanks!

    He's working for a company called Go Fit Living. He'll be selling recliners, scooters etc for the elderly.

    It's really awesome pay too! So excited. XD
    I used to have MSN, but I became inactive :P. Then I forgot my password. Sorry about that. But I was thinking of rejoining MSN sometime soon.
    Hey there. :awesome:

    No worries.

    I do have MSN, but I only occasionally use it.
    I need to get back into the habit of having it up in the background.

    My MSN is if you want it. I can't say when I'll be on though. I might be on tonight, but it depends on what I get done beforehand.

    How are you?
    Wow. :wacky: That was when La Primavera was born. I was still new to Photoshop and I remember that being my favorite piece. I think it still is. Yours was amazing! Thanks for sharing! xD

    Have fun with Secret Santa btw. ;) Let me know if you have any questions.
    thanks for them kind words we should have another awesome msn convo at some point <3
    FFHybrid sounds familiar. :hmmm: But this is the only forum I was really active in. xD

    And you're welcome, I'm glad you feel that way. =]
    Thank you for the kind words. :)

    Though I am curious...we met in another forum years ago? :wacky: Which one was it?
    You sound like you have a lot more patience than me. XD

    I'm not one to be able to sit with children and be patient while I try to teach them. >.< I mean, if I have my own kids one day I guess I'd change. I hope I do anyway!

    Oh and we went to our local RSL for our Christmas party. We hired out the whole top half of the RSL and partied up there and had different photos and vidoes on the T.V's popping up every now and then.

    We had a tab for spirits this time as well! Free drinks was the best part!

    It was a really awesome night. I can't wait for the next one lol!

    And my co-workers are awesome! They're all so fun to hang out with. It can get stressful at work sometimes and I might get annoyed with them, but they know I'm just a stresshead and we get along anyway. XD

    How about you and your co-workers?

    And are you having a Christmas Party?
    I didn't forget about it bb ;~; I just couldn't make one that I'm at least a little pround of... Until now... But eh.... Still not happy about it :\ I tried though~

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