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  • I love your new avatar! Very pretty and serene. :ryan:

    I had the work Christmas party last night and Steve and I and all my workmates got so drunk. Free on the tab drinks! XD Steve and I walked home too! My feet hurt so much afterwards because of the heels I was in. :gonk:

    Anyway the new girl is good. She's young and motivated unlike the last lady who only lasted a day of training and then quit.

    The new girl is learning fast, so hopefully she gets the hang of it before she has to go back to her store at Robina.

    Great to hear you're enjoying your new job! Nothing worse than hating where you work. =/

    I know that you said you're tutoring kids but I don't know if the job role involves anything else?
    Ah, I've been playing a lot of Skyrim. It's really fun. I think I saw you say you had it too, how are you liking it?

    Nope. No friends. Just family this week tonight. :ryan:
    Oh hi again! I'm sorry my replys have been slacker these last few days. I didn't even use the internet last night. :sad3: I came home and went to bed at around 5:30pm because I had the worst headache. I'm training a new girl at work for three weeks and on Monday I was just talking and teaching all day. My head hurt from moving my jaw all day talking and I pretty much lost my voice. :gonk:

    Only two weeks and a half left though. >.<

    How's your work been going? Hopefully you're still enjoying it!

    And yes I will have to show you a picture of Steve looking rougher than in my profile pic. XD It's not that he looks like a bad rough looking fella with all his tats and what not showing, but he does look rougher than in my profile pic, that's for sure. XD
    Hai. I don't actually think I know your first name, so I'll still call you Lirael. :wacky: If you think I do and just forgot, please tell me. :sad3:

    Anyways, not up to much. Weeklong vacation this week.

    How about you?
    just preordered.. thanks for that tip ;) that less than game for the standad edition and ur getting dlc with it o_O
    Hiya! I've been so busy I actually haven't been around the forums in two weeks- a personal record for me xD But yea I agree, our last collaborations really look good! I love seeing how others photoshop and I took note of some of your smudging technique. I'm not as great in that department haha! :) How are you? I've seen many of your current sigs and I've gotta tell you you are really skilled!
    He looks pretty rough on the outside with his tattoos and beard and such but he's really a sweetie. <3 He transforms into a nice looking gentleman when he puts on a nice long sleeved top though. XD We moved in together after six months and it was a really easy transition which was nice. =)

    We got engaged last November and have just been working towards getting our debts and a house sorted.

    I really can't wait to have our own house. I don't like giving other people rent so that they get to pay off theirs. :sad3:

    How about your Chris? I've seen you mention little things here and there about him. =)
    Oh yes True Blood is just awesome! I'm halfway through watching Season 4 with Steve. <3 You really must watch it! It's the best vampire show ever! XD

    I love that 'This Is Not My Idea' song! It's so sweet! And it's so catchy as well. I bought the soundtrack a little while ago. XD I have nearly all the soundtracks to my favourite Disney and other cartoon movies. <3

    Oh and my Steve is wonderful. <3 He's just so sweet and always makes me feel loved. XD Always cooks me dinner and makes me laugh. I met him on a train about four years ago, which was really coincidental as I never catch trains normally.
    Oh and how about you? You haven't been into graphics much these days. I would love to see more of your awesome creations :)
    Things are fine. I am still having exams but there are breaks in between, and I de-stress via graphics, etc. But things are getting more relaxed in a few days time. thanks :)
    yh like 1,500 is like sooo hard to fit everything in :hmph: but managed to do it :P and yh it was sooo hard to find a stock of her.. had to screen capture a youtube video... but i'm very pleased with that signature :grin:

    uni life good still getting use to all that study time.... and having yo find evidence to everything u write about can be a bit hard sometimes :hmph: but you have much more freedom with assignments at uni compared to college.. u still at uni and what u studying :)
    djskkfregvrtmbsb Thanks for the kind words you said about the GFX.~ And yeah shore thing what can I help you with? ; u;
    Hey thanks for rating my sig :)
    For that particular sig, I didn't use any motion blurs as far as I can remember. The base image is a stock instead of a render. Then I placed many brushes, lighting and gradients. The shadow was unintentional, but I did intend to have a darker tone behind him.
    Sorry for the late reply! I wasn't being rude, just haven't had the time. >.< Work has been crazy this week and I've been so tired. :gonk:

    I'll have to look into those Lion King movies. :hmmm: I've more than likely bought the same movie twice with a different title on each one thinking they were different. I haven't actually watched them since buying them. XD

    Oh and I'm glad you enjoyed The Swan Princess! I started reading Fanfictions on it. XD I love it so much. <3 It's so sweet how they don't like each other at first and then fall in love. <3 I like that they actually know one another reasonably well too, as they grew up together. <3

    It isn't a love at first site sort of movie. They just sort of grow into two lovely people and realise their love for one another as they get older. <3 I'm getting all mooshy. XD
    i'm good :P dam u beat me to calling out kira :hmph: just watching season 4 of digimon as it the only one i haven't watched yet as it never came over to the uk :hmph: it has a kool theme song :P
    Skyrim! <3 I'm sure you'll have fun with it. ;)

    Been lost in the world of Skyrim the past few days.
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