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  • I haven't seen Brotherhood either, Anime wise I like Ghost in the Shell, Bleach, Neon Genesis and heaps more. I don't read much manga I try to read some every now and again I am currently reading Bleach but thats it I usually read normal comics. Flims I like Horror/Thriller the proper horror not the teen slash ones and Fantasy
    FMA is the bomb haha I was just reading you info noticed you like Fullmetal Alchemist. I love it as well.
    They just seemed different from my perspective but that is my opinion, yes LoTR was a better movie than book some detail was good in the books but it just seemed to go on and on and on and on haha
    I understand they are the same but I couldn't relate the two together maybe it was the big gap between when I read the book and the movie but I think it is more the fact that I pictured it differently than what they portrayed.
    I found it slow and was almost an effort to read then they brought out Golden Compass I don't know how relate-able the two series are but I found Golden Compass good and was like wtf I don't remember any of this from the book.
    I have read Watership Down I thoroughly enjoyed it but that was back in early Highschool, I have only read Northen Lights by Phillip Pullman and never got to finish the other two.
    I know what you mean I have a whole bookshelf of books I have lined up to read haha
    Fantasy and Sci fi mainly, anything by Robin Hobb, Matthew Reilly, Reading Brent weeks at the moment and also half way through Hunger Games trilogy and Lian Hearn gets a mention another Fantastic author rawr I could go on for ages haha what about you?
    I studied Ancient History. A very interesting and academic course, but it's hard to be taken seriously by people here with it. And you need much experience alongside it to have a fighting chance to use it for anything decent.

    As for the Staffordshire Hoard... I also did go to see some of it, but a lot of it was closed off for some reason (I can't remember the reason) when I last went. I do plan to go back and see it.

    And by life getting better I guess I only meant breaking comfort zones more, and trying hard to come out of myself - an unnatural and difficult thing for me at present. I was cripplingly shy as a student, and still am socially, but am in situations now where I have to engage with the public, and it is helping - at least while in those situations. A much longer journey is ahead, but still.
    Thank you, you've got some awesome stuff too! Hoping to see more new stuff from you. Seems like we'd be in the same GFX clan. =P
    Yep, it was. The storm itself wasn't so bad, but we were unlucky and our block of houses had a transformer shut down. Since it's a small area, we're low on the priority list for power restoration. We have been out for three days now...and it might be a few more still before we get our power back.

    I've always felt teaching is what I'm best it's nice to be working in a field that I actually enjoy. I got into Math because I feel like good Math teachers are in short supply, especially here in the States. A lot of kids grow up hating Math (usually) because of one bad experience with a teacher. I want to do my part to change that perception...if that makes any sense at all. :wacky:
    Good for you...teaching is one of the world's greatest professions, and I say that without any bias whatsoever. :wacky:

    I teach maths to high schoolers. I'm not sure where my math fits into the UK's system, so I'll say I teach 13-16 year olds. We were supposed to start classes for the new year on Monday, but a big storm came so we didn't have power. Extra days off for me...but my house lost power as well. :ness:

    What are you planning to teach?
    Awesome. :D

    I went to the University of Birmingham too, and I'm heading back in September for Postgrad.

    I'm not sure where English was situated, but if you were mainly located in the Arts building then I was mainly there too.

    I'm not too fond of Birmingham as a city either. I still wouldn't riot and loot it, though. :sad2: There's not that much to do in Birmingham culture-wise.

    As for 'getting there', I guess I mean my life is getting better in some respects.
    It's alright, in the 6 months I've been here I've only been asked by the police if I have any information regarding crimes committed in the neighbourhood twice :P
    I was born and lived there for 25 years, but I live in Glasgow at the moment :)

    It's nice there :) Unlike the UK, where "shopping streets" are full of tiny, tiny shops, most shops are quite big and spaceous. Being that it's a smaller country, the towns are smaller and the houses and flats are bigger too.
    Hey there.
    I'm not too bad on the whole. Getting there and such. :D
    That's cool. Which Uni did you go to?
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