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  • D'aww, thank you. :lew:

    But I can't collab very well. I prefer to just dictate everything myself (suits my personality I guess), so unfortunately I probably won't be a long time RPer on this site in the future as a result of that. xD

    /late response I know
    I kill RPs anyway just by being in them. If I were to make one, it wouldn't even make it past the first post. :gasp:
    I'm the opposite. I'm often inspired to write something in a novel form rather than immediately be inspired to start an RP. In fact, I don't think I've ever wanted to start an RP anyway. So I can't really do much to talk you out of it. xD

    And what's with the status? :ahmed:
    You're really not doing yourself any favours are you? You don't even need my help to torture you a little. xDD
    So happy for you girl! I read about your graduation and etc...on the mood thread. Hope you get that job too if thats what you really want :ryan:

    Now celebrate! :yay:
    I did :britt: but since my internet was being a douche with auto divert to some stupid site I couldn't get the one with a T shirt :sad2: \geek

    And I actually don't mind the lack of dubbing, doesn't bother me too much, I guess I focus on the subtitles so much the voices don't bother me much :lew:
    After a lot of snooping around I finally found a copy of Agarest Zero, I swear to god it's impossible to find it anywhere but online :ffs: anytime between the 18th and 21st i'll be able to let you know how it goes :awesome:
    I seem to remember he's rather fond of that new theatrerhythm game...find some chibis to post and show him who's boss :rage:

    Campus isn't that big so I could have walked past her multiple times! And I doubt it is too, because I doubt we'd be talking if it was :hmph:!

    For good measure:
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