Prince Oberyn Martel

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  • Yeah :ahmed:

    Yeah it is. Same :wacky: FFF on the phone is definitely a boredom-killer and nothing more :lew:

    I wish I could have overslept today D: was out last night at a friend's and my god I am suffering today
    I'm off out again in about 6 hours as well so tomorrow is gonna be painful D:
    :sad3: woe is me
    Yeah I remember you mentioning that food. I was hungry last night because I was out all day and people kept mentioning food last night but I was warm and not moving out of my bed :raye:

    Ah. I've got a HTC so I can go on FFF on my phone too (and every other site of course :wacky:) but I find typing out a VM whilst on my phone to be incredibly tedious so I never really bother :wacky:

    :ohoho: I had lots of sleep last night. I won't do anything productive today though because I'm off out in about 4 hours and I need to get myself sorted for that soon. The PS3 might also go on because this is the first day in a while I haven't needed to be out of the house early :mokken:

    Yeah :wacky: something like that
    Ohoho. Yeah I forgot you work nights :lew:
    Do you just do FFF on your phone or do you work behind a computer :wacky:

    Oh no, I can't break it off right now because I barely see him :wacky: I haven't seen him since just before my birthday and I won't see him till after the new year either. Literally the only times I ever see him are at the flying school :lew:
    So yeah, it has to wait. And he will not have bought me a Christmas present hahaha xD
    I shall reply to your VM before I go to bed!
    It's not cold in bed tonight, it's lovely :griin: I remembered to put my electric blanket on, got in bed and it was SO TOASTY :ryan:

    I really really really hope not haha.

    No, not really. Just getting bored/frustrated with the situation. It's not going anywhere, it's risky, and my best friend is dating his best friend which makes it a little weird too.
    :griin: yes I have it planned out, but whether I actually will carry out my plan remains to be seen!
    Haha yeah. Well I'm doing a good job of keeping my secret right now, nobody suspects a thing :grin: or so I hope.

    Yeah same, of course, if someone's a complete prick they might get an 'ooh he's cute' at first but they'll get told where to go eventually.

    I doubt it :P I fully intend to end it in the new year anyway haha... maybe. Perhaps.
    Yes, yes I do :sad3: hahaha I hope I won't be getting into trouble but I might do :wacky:

    Ah. Yeah. Well obviously personality is the main thing buuuut it's the looks that originally catch the eye?
    Ehehehe I know the 'it's not going to happen again' situation. That's the exact situation I am right now. Though neither of us have gone bunny boiler and we won't do either! :mokken:
    I will be (hopefully), but not down here :lew:
    There are plenty of places with the same aircraft up and down the country so when I move to uni I will also transfer gliding places. It's not practical to come back down here every weekend when I go to uni up north :wacky:
    So my problem will be sorted when I'm gone :lew:
    Well it's just silly, shouldn't be happening, not to mention, it's against the rules, especially now I've turned 18 :wacky: I'm not officially a staff cadet yet and he is, although he's 2 months younger than me so he's still 17, and the air cadets forbid anything between a cadet older than 18 and younger than 18.
    Complicated regulations. Epic fail :dave:

    :lew: no, no they don't.

    She was ugly as shit? So... why did you start anything anyway? :lew:
    I probably don't want to know the other reasons right :wacky:
    It's like that. And it shouldn't be. We've sort of called it off before like... 6 times :hmmm: and failed to keep our word every time.
    :gonk: I get myself into silly things sometimes.

    Ohh. I see. We all have that one best friend we abuse huh :wacky: I have one too.
    Also she sounds like a bit of a bitch. Her loss though :mokken:
    I wouldn't really call it a romance hahaha, I don't even know what it is :wacky:

    Sounds nasty :wacky:
    Along with that girl that hits you it sounds like some of the women in your life aren't that nice.
    ...the last laugh? I am intrigued :ohoho:

    You're very welcome. :mokken:
    Hahaha. Well. It's pretty complicated already :wacky: if I called it off with this guy I'm now talking to you about then it would be very awkward every weekend at the flying school.
    If I carry on it him, it will be very awkward every weekend at the flying school.
    Basically, oops :wacky: hahahaha.

    £80 :gasp: I'd be claiming that back sharpish :mokken: I could use the cash.

    :lew: fair enough. I wish you good luck with even finishing it, let alone getting a perfect game :grin:
    Hahaha :lew:
    Well non-serious hasn't gone tits up for me... yet :wacky: though I guess right now I'm in a situation I would ideally prefer not to be in. Meh. Complicated :wacky:
    Sounds like great fun :wacky: I know all about clingy... /shudder

    My mirror isn't misty :mokken:

    I've never gotten a perfect game on any of them but I came pretty damn close on FFIX once :lew: I don't have the patience to complete the game half the time, let alone perfect game it :wacky:
    Nicely done :lew: I felt so so so bad :wacky:

    Same same. Most of the people I meet are around my age or a bit younger and 90% of them are complete idiots. Of the 10% of people that are actually nice, half of them aren't my type and for the other half, I'm not their type :mokken: so it doesn't work out.
    Then again, getting really serious now would be silly, since I'll be off to uni in 9 months time. So non-serious it is for me :griin:

    I had some good beauty sleep but I don't think it's helped my beauty :sad3:
    I haven't played an FF game in so long! My mum started playing FFIX the other day (how she got hold of it I've no idea, I SWEAR it was in a box in my room, she must have gone snooping) and it made me want to play it. But just before loads of exams isn't the best time to start a playthrough :raye: it'll have to wait till February.
    Hahaha... I've never had a problem with that, mainly because I haven't met many girls that have been out with the same lads as me.

    I did have a run in with a girl whose boyfriend left her for me, for me to promptly turn him down though :wacky: that was fun.

    Meh :gonk: I can't help that though. I don't know how to correct where I'm going wrong :raye:

    Also I think I'd best go to bed now or I'll never get up in the morning. Until tomorrow, g'bye :neomon:
    He is a complete... *fill in the blank*
    I actually bizarrely met the girl he ditched me for at the same party as I got together with Avalon at the end of October. Turns out she was an old friend of his and when I found out who she was, I told her, and she (having split up with him about 4 months beforehand) was like, he's a dick etc etc.
    Such a weird place to meet her though :wacky:
    Why anyone would do that to me? :wacky: believe me, I once told Lewis I can only attract 2 types of people; cunts and weirdos. So far, that's proved true. I don't know where I go wrong :wacky:

    Hahahaha. You're making me genuinely hungry but I've created that warm patch in my bed again and there's no waaay I'm getting out of it to get food.
    Christmas pudding :ryan:
    We weren't together long, we were more seeing each other than together together anyway, and then one day he got back with his ex, changed his relationship status over FB and that was that. Prick.
    I'd just really love to know what he said about me since there's nothing to tell.
    Nothing he does will ever surprise me though. I know it's silly, hence the 'growing up' comment on fb. He's nearly 19 for god's sake :gonk: and he's acting like a child.

    I feel better after ranting at you. All my female friends were in bed when I got home so I couldn't whine at them :raye:
    Hahahaha :lew:
    He is not the most attractive guy I have ever gone for. You may laugh, I do not mind, I laugh at myself for it :sad3:

    It's a very long story involving my cadet christmas party, an ex of mine who was there, and his small group of friends who just kept glancing at me the entire night. Apparently he's told them stuff which is really funny considering absolutely nothing really happened between us, so whatever he's told them is a lie.
    It's just wound me up hahahahaha and now I've typed it up it sounds so pathetic :wacky:

    :sad3: I'm fine now. I think. I just wish he'd fall off the face of the earth or something :dave:
    One of my favourite songs is called Avalon :wacky: so I can't comment.

    ...shite night was really really really quite shite :raye:
    Good rates huh? :hmmm:
    I see :grin:

    Also I don't really have anything else random to inflict on you right now :mokken:
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