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  • Ugh If i had the money for a PS4 right now I'd pre-order too. I swear I'm too excited for this game despite the wait time. I agree with the pants thing though. They've switched up Noct's outfit like 3 times already. I kinda like Gladiolus. They gave him tattoos and made him more of a masculine hype. He and Cor and Noctis are gonna be my eyecandy team. :ohoho:

    You just downloaded SR3 too? That's awesome we should campaign together sometime. ^_^ It's a really silly story but the gameplay is actually really fun. I just downloaded it a few nights ago.

    Which Cid Raines and his special soldier friend were a hot duo :lew: They better not kill Noct, or Stella. -_- I'll be hella pissed. Did you hear rumors about a sequel to this game too? I swear I hope it's not true. Just one solid good game with Vers-uh XV is what I prefer.
    And I love the black and white bg pattern on your profile. Just thought I'd point that out :jess: It's so prettyful.
    :lew: That's a late response but I love it anyways. I played the demo and the gameplay was fun but the story is just so bad from what I've seen on youtube, read etc. Anyways thanks so much for taking the time to review it for me! I bought Saints Row and some shirts on Amazon instead. :P

    I like older Hope but I prefer Noct and his crew more :ari:
    Back to bother because "that's what I do". Jeff is already on to me anyway. He's on me like a hawk. >_> d0DfyAIkGw0 I admit, I'm a Taylor Swift fanboy. XD :inlove:
    Blue is still the best color. :mokken:

    The PS3 will still be active for awhile so I wouldn't worry about that. Catherine may still come out on Plus over here though so I wouldn't worry about that. It won't be out this month however. GTA V I am still debating on buying. To this day I still have yet to finish a GTA game. If you want my advice however I'd say trade in LBP Karting and UC3 tomorrow and between that and a few more games you're willing to trade in then depending on how you'll have left over buy another Plus subscription. Since you're getting a ps4 anyway you will need it.

    Alrighty at least you're feeling better now though.
    No. Blue is the best.

    Yeah it just became "free" on Plus along with Uncharted 3, XCOM and Machinarium. I hope it's good.

    No problem. Is everything okay with you though?
    Interesting. I like your profile skin. Nice. I do have to admit I am surprised it's not pink.

    Anywho I was going to say go download LBP Karting today when you have free time. Let me know how that game is, please. If it's any good it can be another game we can try together.
    yeah, sorry. >_< it gets annoying lying and saying im doing good when im not. so i'd rather not bother people with my shit life. how are you though, pal?
    I forgot until now but i found the PSD for that signature :D

    so il remove the text and send it to you 8) I have a memory like a dead fish. If people dont remind me to do something then i totally forget :wacky:
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