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  • Unlikely, i'm absolutely exhausted atm :gonk: hopefully my sleeping pattern sorts itself out tomorrow, if it does i'm up for some cod tomorrow.
    Ill be on at 10+ or so I guess. Jay said he will be on from 6+ so we can get him later I guess Mel.
    We should play ps3 again soon. Like with Jay, Damon etc. Jay wasnt on yesterday though :hmmm:
    3 years come August Mel. I have been here agesssssss. I am younger than you by 8 or so years :mokken:
    Yeah I had fun. There were geese in the lake so that was nice to watch. Also on another note Mel. 100 posts left till I reach 5000... I feel so old!
    Went to my Uncle's girlfriend's house and we had a family dinner since she invited us all. We also relaxed by the lake and all. Was very soothing. So quiet where she lives and I love it. :hmmm: Glad to know you are doing great Mel!
    How did I not see the notification for your usernote? :hmph: I'm sorry.

    Wow, thank you. :gasp: Makes me feel better I have someone to go to for advice. :lew: I just hope I can figure out what I want to do in a decent amount of time.

    And awesome! Must be so exciting to know you're almost done with school and actually get to practice soon. xD
    Yeah I know. Apparently me getting in your pants was the topic of interest.. :hmmm:
    Far from it Melon. You had me scared quite a few times there. Too bad we couldn't get Damon to join us. Why must such an awesome game have such a difficult to work with online system?
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