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  • When I can find the money to invest in one :sad: I'm close though :) but all that protein is expensive :wacky:

    and I know I play blops at a friends house its awesome...but I'm not very good :grumpy: you'd beat me easy, which I can't let happen because you're female you see.
    Yeah, cancer is a terrible thing to have. And it should be at the top of the list to find a cure for first. Thank God your friend has lived through it, that's tough to do. :/
    Nah Mel you are just too nice. Since I protect you.. you protect me :britt:
    The remote control cars are really easy to kill with. I am the only one who ever says thank you when you revive me am I? :britt:
    D'awww Mel.. I am not good at all. I used to be back in January and now I just suck. Who cares though. I just play the game to have fun with my friends :griin:
    Although we can play tonight again. Maybe. Or do we just play tomorrow night with Jay? :hmmm:
    Well Jay had school and psn was down. He said he wants to play Saturday. He is done school also.
    Ah are you off work now? Yeah you really were. Up as late as me Mel :gasp:. Jay said he didnt hear you much :hmmm:
    Mel was up lateeeeeeeeeeeee. Oh just press square on them Mel. Press select and then square on everyone you want to mute. I am going to bed now. Been up too late. Later x
    Ah yeah I was tired as well. I kinda figured you were so I took off my mic as well. Oh yeah I muted those people :hmmm:
    Good games Mel. The last few games were tiring. Mic was hurting my ear so I took it off. Did your mic die? You didnt talk much this time around though. Was fun :britt:
    I need to be more alert about snipers. I just run around like some crazy maniac or I just try and protect you but we both get shot down. :sad3:
    No problem. If I'm honest, when I read your first post on the matter I was a little surprised - I thought that you didn't believe in some mental disabilities. xD Especially since you're going to be a nurse, if I remember correctly!

    Do you mind me asking which field of nursing you're going into? I originally wanted to become a nurse in obstetrics but I think I decided I might want to go farther than that. I know I definitely need to go into some sort medicine - I'm always so fascinated with every new thing I'm taught about biology. Recently I've been considering maybe something in a hospital lab.

    I'll stop blabbing now though. :wacky:
    I think Jay said he would play sometime. Or we can just play later if you like. Yeah you are getting better. Those dogs are annoying yeah. Oh and of course you know because of the flag :britt:. Well we can play sometime later if you like.
    Yeah, I've only seen Jay and I use it though, so I'm hoping the emote gets a bit more popular. xD

    Funnily enough I don't exactly when my exams are (I'm so organised as you can tell :olivia:), but it's probably next month or so. Only three exams this summer for me - the rest were coursework, so it's not exactly too taxing as it could be. :yay:

    Yeah, totally counting down to the summer. At the same time I don't want to graduate and then head to university, though on the other hand, yay! Summer!

    /breaks the Adri wall
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