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  • It's ok Google told me. :mokken:

    Alicia Silverstone's hot.

    And can you blame that guy in the pic it's Monroe :rage: AND she's leaning over him :grumpy:
    I wouldnt want to carry a gun anyway haha even if they allowed them over here.

    If i go back to school/college it means starting from the bottom again. I trained for 4 years to get to where i am now. I dont think i could manage starting again. Having no money or anything. I just need to keep looking for contract work abroad. Hopefully in a hot country, somewhere with long golden sands, sun setting over the ocean and palm trees. A wee bar on the beach serving cocktails aswell. :ryan:
    Thing is im one of those people who hate repetition and doing the same thing day in day out. I like to keep myself motivated but its hard isnt it :wacky:
    At times i wish i became a police officer or a............special agent who saves the world :ohoho: They never had that job application though anywhere :hmph:
    im not hating on it as much now as i was monday and tuesday. I was proper doomed up at the start of the week haha
    I dunno im still gunna look for something new though. But il stick that place out for a while longer so i can get a good recomendation from them.

    That guitar is my love :ohoho: Well thats not my guitar but i have the exact same one :ryan:
    lol buy BO and NOT BORDERLANDS :ahmed:
    Or we cant play together :sad3:

    Anyways I am seriously bummed out because of freeking psn...I am pissed...

    I was considering doing that the first time I played it as well...I put it down for about nine months, then picked it up again at Christmas :lew:

    If you can (I forget if you can) go to the Arena (you should be able to, IIRC) and do every single one of the tutorials in there. Whilst bits and pieces of it - bonus shots and Tri-attacks, to name but two - you'll hardly ever use, it'll get you used to the battle system. Once you're accustomed to it, its just a matter of playing as tactically as possible...and being prepared for a long, murderously frustrating time of it until you've gotten through the Forest of Idols. Unlock as much of map as you can, as well - you'll get more Bezel shards, which equals more hero actions, which equals easier kills.

    You're welcome :lew:
    ...just wait until the game starts taking party members from you. xD
    Its challenging, but its worth it, once the story eventually picks up.
    My post was too long :rage:

    You'll get used to the controls eventually...once you get the hang of plotting Hero Actions (don't use a hero action unless you're using the character with the machine gun, just run in and charge a shot up for handgun users. Grenades I'd recommend keeping until you enter the Forest of Idols...especially the Molotov Cocktails. USE NONE OF THOSE.) you'll be killing enemies quite quickly. Don't worry too much about your health, just focus on one enemy at a time and kill them as quickly as possible. Let your MG charge up as much as possible, and only let your HG users charge once~

    The clothes shop gets some awesome stuff around chapter 5 :yay:

    You need to lay energy hexes from the town to the bridge, if haven't already done that /somewhat late.

    Also, I'd recommend going to the arena as soon as you can, so you can get to grips with the battle system (tutorial is pretty good in this, actually) and level up a little...if you haven't been already. xD

    Good memories of the original is usually enough to get me to buy a sequel...usually. The best thing about MK was the Fatalities, mmmyes...FINISH HIM! :britt:

    Storylines for fighting games are usually pretty crap, in my opinion...Super Smash Bros Brawl had a terrible story, and I got horrendously bored with BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger. But yes, I'd love an opinion on it when you get it~
    You have nowhere left to hide! :gasp:
    Nooooooo! Don't get Black Ops! Buy a proper game! :rage:
    ...like Borderlands. Then you can play with me :griin:
    The new MK looks good, though...I might buy it at some point. I detest fighting games, but...its MK. xD
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