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  • I see Mel. Yes the family dinners are the best thing I ever tried in the whole world. They just cook so well and it is fantastic. *pat pat* It is okay Mel. You can have some!
    Well as long as you enjoyed it all is well :mokken: and ugh chinese all I like about that is those prawn snacks thingies :wacky:
    Yeah I just love Raiden's hat and thunder powers :britt: i prefer kitana to sonya cause she's... a better fighter ;)
    I had a great time at My grandparents tonight. Sooo much food and even long lost family members that I haven't seen for 5 years were there :gasp:! How was your birthday Mel? I hope you had a great one!
    Aah I missed your last one before this, I'm sorry :gonk: How have you been?

    I love lemonade, I'll have to try Newman's sometime if it's that good :jess: And I'm having some trouble keeping up with the RPing b/c of RL stuff, but I'm hopefully going to try to catch up this week if I can.

    And thanks about the devil hoagie :lew: (omg are you an Aqua Teen fan too? :yay: If not then it's really funny that you mentioned the tomatoes, because in the episode someone takes the tomatoes out of the sandwich XD)
    Oh where do I begin..the story is very good and surprisingly long. It took me 2 days to complete it..thats extremely long for a beat em up game. OMG its freeking difficult Stella...some chars are evil!

    Sometimes you have to fight 2 enemies with one health bar and later on 3 with one life bar..Hectic...and Shao Kahnn..........he is tooooooooooo strong!!!!!!!
    Happy Birthday Stellaski! ♥

    ...yes, I know you have a birthday thread. But I'm Martel, so I get to send you a birthday VM :mokken:

    Enjoy your day :lew:
    Well my mood is always innocent and has been since the site upgraded I believe :hmmm:
    I think I had this since last week. I only put it because it was soooo quiet :ryan:
    I left mine on that for awhile. No idea what to change it to either >.<
    oops sorry this was meant for Harly :lew:
    I think you will be a worthy opponent btw.. Harly is full of bluff :tehe:
    So hows MK I bet you are getting your ass kicked? You know that instant teleport thing where scorpion suddenly attack you from the back, you can do it in mid air as well..I own with Scorpio :mokken:
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