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  • I actually haven't played it online yet. I've been playing the story mode actually which is surprisingly pretty good for a fighting game.
    However I can promise you that MK is an awesome game and you will enjoy it. :neomon: Just be sure to get it new or else you won't be able to play online. Now you can only play online if you have a passcode and you only get the passcode if you buy it new. It's stupid.
    I'm sorry to tell you this Mel but I bought Uncharted 2. I couldn't find GTA4 at GameStop. Don't kill me! :sad2:
    He is indeed...but we have something special planned for when I can switch usernames again :ohoho:
    oh Imma whoop yo ass alright :giggle: I'll let you know when I get the game..add me already:
    psn: Djoenz

    Thanks for the add on PS3 and on here :D it will be nice to talk some more sometime soon!
    Haha, thanks XD

    And are you serious, the highest grade in the class? :awesome: That's even better! You go girl ;) And thanks, I think jobwise something will work out. Ooh I've never tried Newman's, but McD's milkshakes are good, so I should try their smoothies at some point too :hmmm: The ones I've been getting are Strawberry Whirls from Jamba Juice, which I think is also strawberry banana :D
    No worries. :) Feel free to PM me next time you want a set, I'm always happy to make them. :dave:
    Sorry. I've been in this school system my whole life, and to think that I might have to go somewhere else just.....kills me. :sad2:
    Thankfully I can say I haven't had to do that very often but when you know someone who's actually in there... it must really suck. Thanks Mel. :)
    We haven't had to do that yet. It's just stupid because they are trying to save money. But by cutting sports, you will get more kids leaving to go to another school, thus losing more money than you will save. They are just too stupid to realize that, and are gonna vote next week on a budget that will pretty much make each sport fend for themselves (if the budget gets passed and sports receives 0 funding).
    You aren't the only one. It's not like he's just targeting me, he wants to eliminate ALL sports programs from the school. :gonk:
    I just want to stay in my school system, and not have to learn a whole new system/town/etc.

    Asshole on the board is just determined that I lose my job, it seems. :hmph:
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