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  • Very great to know Mel! I am glad you are alright :ryan:. Good luck with everything and I know you will do just fine!
    Melllllllllll!!!!! :awesome: How are you doing? I haven't seen you on here lately, how is school?

    I just saw a MK article in a dutch magazine and it showed the release date:
    Game’s out on April 21 for PS3 and 360.

    So April 21 it is.

    This actually is the postponed date, as it was originally to be released a week earlier.


    If you buy MK I may add you on PSN :griin:
    Yes its a multiplatform game, for PS3,Xbox360 and PC.
    Game’s out on April 21 for PS3 and 360.

    The date may vary. I believe I read somewhere UK gets it a week later or so, and that means Europe as well.

    26th. :)
    My nose actually chose to screw with me again today Mel :sad:. What are you going to do with me? Well I guess that is your choice Mel. XD
    So like I am feeling better now but I know it will not last long... My cold decided to wither in the shadows and leave me alone for a bit. It might choose to die faster if you treat me though Mel ;)
    Yeah. I really want the cold weather to go away :sad:. The thing that sucks though is I get sick easily. Ill hang in there Mel ^^
    I have been sick for the past two days tbh :sad:. I think my cold/cough is slightly leaving though. Hopefully I am right. Well Mel you can do it, I know you are hard working :griin:.
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