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  • Really that sucks D=

    Well you may not like 4,5 but season 6 saved the series imo been funny and awesome =o

    but wont spoil unless you want info xD,but hope you get to see the new seasons soon D=
    Lmfao thankyou for my iPhone gift ;) I might have to repay the favour soon! <3
    Thanks a bunch forgot about them now I have two of my favorite characters xD Squall and Claire redfield xD if you want a certain one lemme know I'll gladly give you one =D
    Not sure if you have dropped by to view the club but I accepted your request to Join the Zack x Aerith club. :3 If it isn't any trouble, could you edit your post? I asked for people to post images with urls to keep the club tidy but I think most have overlooked this in my first post. Thank you for joining, I'm grateful for your participation!
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