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  • always the best choice just like grandma used to make :ryan: lol I brush my teth for a long time now, ever since I saw rachel from big brother brushing her teeth for like literally 20 minutes i do too xD gotta keep it white and perfect katie <3 scrambled eggs and toast I wouldnt do that unless your feeling rally really better like back to normal, if your not i dont think so, the eggs would be ok but the toast is a no go xD
    :caps: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!! :caps: *sorry I had to xD* thats awsome news katie, see your getting better allready and your just gonna continue :)
    Your very welcome ^_^ and omg thats never a good thing when spit up stuff you ate years ago...hmm i wonder If i puke ill spit up tat terrible plate of plad thai I had when I was 6 o.o? well my psp didnt break but lets sat an honest accident that invovled water, it was in my briefcse so everything in that bag got ruined .__. I just hope my memory stick still works.
    o.o *rubs her belly* ill pray you get better soon, I havent puked in years but never liked it x.x thats a good move to keep the bucket close to you though, so i take it you really cant eat anything then? well you dont make as much typos as me so even if you typed a 1 inch key board i can understand you xD
    OMG NOOOOOOOO guess ill lay low till you get back then xD and ill pray you get better soon, no promises on the me worrying part, I always worry :( but I swear you better not do anything else besides resting, call in to work till your better >_< meh katie is gonna much needed rest :smartass:
    e.e thats a no go, I use gamefaqs all the time, if i didnt do any side quest at all i could beat it. apperently the last fight (or first part anyway* changes depending on what you did. which i think is stupid. you either get a full party battle 2 parts on the side and 1 in the center, or 2 partys (like i have) by fighting on the sides or if just didnt do shit then its a normal 3 party battle like i wanted. so if you finished every side quest then its a full party, i didnt but i did some, and apperently getting yuffie and vincent automatically makes it 2 party battle and i was just pissed.

    Im also pissed i cant beat the first boss on resonace of fate, that shows me just how much i suck at it, which is why im stuck training even with the strategy guide i still lost lol but i am underleveled but but still its the beginning of the game why is the first boss that high for no reason.
    hmm I agree with that, like the ps2 wasnt bad at all xD and get this i havent beat ff7. like if i want i can load it up right now cause im at the final boss fight but i cant beat sephy the first form. I tried to beat the game years when i was little but it broke, years later played it but was missing the 3rd disc then my memory card. now in this day an age i play it *finally got yuffie at he beginning of the game early on and vincent, i make it to the end, and heres why i cant beat it, cloud,yufie and tifa are my characters, but i have another party on the other side thats weak ive never used them and they die and fuck up the battle, I hate it. But I still wanna see it get remade though.
    :eek: *stil hugging penelo* katie what do you think about them remaking FFX on the ps3 unstead of FF7 like they should be doing?
    yeah maybe I was kinda happy when i got to see him fight but he's nothing compared to my little pig tailed queen penelo :D
    lol you better be relaxing and playing that game or else I was gonna have to come up their and force you to take it easy xD but Im doing the same myself, more training and more training for me :P
    Thats terrible it just came out of nowhere like that though, im just glad your ok though :) you better take it easy for awhile though please D: lol I still need to focus on getting a modem first then ill be good. I did that too about the remotes, if 1 button is messed up i end up geting another one, it all depends on what button it is and what it does for the games i play cause sometimes its vital to get another one right away xD
    omg what happened, did you fall or something :eek: :tighthug: I no what thats like and its no freaking joke trust me. I mean I dont loathe 12 like i said i like penelo and ashe and the phon coast but thats all its good for for me, i really didnt like the gameplay and hunts and the graphics just look terrible to me, ff7 anyone...sorry katie ill stop flaming :x that sounds like fun, listening to the game lol I still wish i could have made it into a movie though, my shit laptop wont let me xD and i got virus on m comp :I so im on my othe rlaptop *its so slow* :(
    awwww I hope your mom feels better soon and yeah I would too, dont want you to get sick DX but still katie it might as well be 80 parts since its so close too it xD and I just gotta ask, what are you gonna do with your chaotic existence once your done??? Your right I actually didnt like 12 and never really bothered to finished, however I did itmake to the very end of the game but i lost on the last boss and was just like w/e put the game forever since I didnt really care about the ending. The only thing I like about 12 is the phon coast has great music, and penelo and Ashe are the only 2 likeable characters lol I had penelo use a nadichi the whole game. Vaan just fails just like fran,baltheir is actually somewhat ok and basch seriously... they could have did better x.x but yeah phon coast i really loved xD
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