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  • haha I see your on part 18 o__o thats alot of tapes of final fantasy and it goes up to part 80 x.x and you allready have plans for XIII-2 awsome it must have cost alot to do. I dont think I could put up with writing basically a strategy guide like you x3 sounds like a fun hobby though.
    K then girl ^ ^ and ill be on prior to sending this, I dont have a match tonight since she for some reason she didnt show up, i normally stay for the whole show but they said i can leave if i want so why not lol anyway ill just be here on my game or eating when my pizza gets here so im on xD just gotta look to see when you reply.
    dammit I missed 2pm by 39 minutes and yes Its gonna super hard, and yeah I meant every night but idk its diificult? We gotta figure this thing out katie n_n and wish me luck, I have a match tonight and Im confident im gonna win xD
    I cant help it I love hugs especially giving out bear hugs *tighthug: :wacky: hmm yes im on the same amount of time on weekends as i am during the week. I nrmally check on here whenever i wake up which isnt always the same but its sometime around 11 - 3 it depends on when i sleep and how long i sleep.

    if your on after 5 then umm, its kind of hard to say cause sometime 6 - 8 im real busy especialy if i have a wrestling show to do on wensdays like tomorrow. but i can try to get on here around 9 or 10 o clock for you 9 or 10 pm btw. idk >_< the weekends if you dont have to work maybe we can choose something between 2 - 5? oh your gonna check on here around 2pm if i can ill come back by that time.
    dont cry katie :( :tighthugs: thats why I leave theirs nothing to do here so i reply then walk out, and joker and milla stopped replying so its just me and you in the dugout together x3 thats why we need to set up a time when to get on lol

    kk ^ ^
    Yeah my sisters still use Facebook but I quit that and myspace ages ago, now the ebst place to reach me is youtube :P exactly where are you on FF13, you finished the Dreadnaught boss battle right?
    sorry katie we need to set up a time when to ge tone so we can back in forth on our messages xD we ar ein the same time zone :) my love for fang is emotional attached literally... i didnt upgrade not one single weapon till fang joined my party, which means i had plenty of componets to give her when she joined, its why she was my strongest character cause she got everything, and i gave everybody something but made sure fang was the strongest, thats how much i love her xD

    I swear i i dont wanna upgrade all the accessories for that achievment. but I hear on you feeling weak, thats why i kept my characters maxed when the crystarium expanded right then and their. and i ha dno idea we had a FFT section on the forum, they hid it on the FF12 section :P i was like omg i got alot to say about that game.
    Damm Katie ill admit you kick my ass in farming then cause theirs no way I could farm that, thats like every new area basically, I ony did it on certain few parts mainly pulse, the estheims residents and the beginning of the game lol yeah post game is pretty much either way, I was maxed out the time i got my growth egg so it was uselss :wacky: but those faultswarrens was a bitch to deal with e.e
    looks like we bothed farmed at lake bresha haha great minds so think alike like seriously <3 I dont really like hope so going through the gapra whitewood was just god awful I hated it, mainly cause i had to listen to hope whine the entire time especially in battle x.x my farming really cracked down when Ihit grna pulse for the first time, i maxed out everything literaly before continuing the story and had 999,999 saved xD it helped.

    and btw have you noticed, I took anya off my avatar and put fang again :D
    *pushed the door open dropping the knife and runs in and hugs* of course im not gonna hurt ya buddeh. oh please do share with me your training spot around the dreadnaught fight? I dont think I trained their, i actually orgot most of my training spots early game except for the very beginning in lake bresha i was allready maxed and had lots of points before the boss fight. i forgot all my other spots after that up until palumpolim where your in hopes house i trained their. I think i tried training at the dreadnaught area but didnt do it.
    oh i failed i meant to put this :tighthug: haha xD Im glad your still enjoying FFXIII, at least Im not the only one who has enthuisiam for the game around here X3 keep at it girl, I still gotta make time for that treasure hunter lol


    your full time on the ps3 and done with 360, well :caps: I ONLY HAVE ONE THING TO SAY TO THAT :caps: *puts on my scream ghost costume and gets the knife and stands by the door and calls you before banging on the door* pick up the phone katie and let me in im not gonna hurt you :smartass:
    awwww KATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I freaking missed ya *tighthug* Im doing alot better, mainly cause I dominated my match last night and when i say dominated I mean like not getting touched at all, I was just so mad I dominated so im happy :) you do that too huh I always listen to music on my laptop or just my 360 and that music overlay feature when i farm, it always works <3
    me and you both katie except for a different reason im depressed about alot of things :(

    congrats on finishing the game katie <3
    no best buddeh you dont get it :caps: IM NO LOSER :caps: winners dont lose, and that ugly peice of crap got lucky, Im taken my title back one way or the other you can count on it :mad:
    once again i lost and it freaking sucks, I havent won any major matchs since I got back from my injury, less money keeps coming my way. And Im glad you two are gonna continue your ventures together :)
    yeah :( well anyway I have my championship match match today and im not to excited .... yeah gears 3 is something that should never end, you should at least do multiplayer once you beat it.
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