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  • This ending better be worth it for all this grinding I'm having to do. Level 62 and I'm still getting my ass kicked by Zeromus. If I hit 70-75 and I still get raped I'm just gonna quit. This is ridiculous.
    Yeah my biggest problem is once I actually get balls deep in the cave I have to do some much running from fights lol. Like the monsters in the chests? Those are pretty difficult sometimes. Them Blue and Red Dragons are just crazy strong too. Especially the Red Dragon. Fuck his heat ray attack. Seriously.
    :rage:I tried to fight that Ogopogo and he fucked me up lmao! Dude did 2 wave attacks in a row and that pretty much was it :/
    Sadly I need to go back and level up some more because that last boss owned me so hard. It was bad. I thought being level 58 I'd be fine.... Nope. The monsters on the moon are nasty. Plus I dont have any ethers to refill my magic as I go so its rather rough :mad::argh::banghead:
    I managed to get through the wall without any real problems, outside of that dick killing Rosa right before Rydia summoned Leviathan. Which just so happened to be the final blow :(

    I'm now fighting all 4 elements of chaos. I kicked their asses until I got to that damn wind one. Dude straight used the attack that takes us all down to 4 life, then he gets 4 attacks in a row? :slap::rage:

    Odd? Absolutely not! That scenario gave me a good laugh, it was rather cute if I may say myself :melody:;))
    Yuppers things are A-Okay for time being xD

    Yay! Gotta love race against the clock type fights.... NOT!
    Thanks for the headsup!
    Holy shit! I found a really great spot. Having the Conjurer continuously call the Arachnae at the Cave of Summons on level B2F. 42k exp is just insane....
    Lmao your advice was spot on, don't be negative on yourself! (y)

    Now I'm at a really rough spot. I'm at the Cave of Summons and I got all the way to where you fight the Queen and Leviathan. I read however that it's basically impossible to be Leviathan under level 45. I'm currently 39 :/
    Do you know any spots to grind at? Or how to make the monsters in the Cave easier because they are absolutely ridiculous. Thanks!
    Does the Ruby Ring help you with your defense when you fight that Dark Elf? That dragon form is just whipping my ass with his breath.. :/
    Shit just officially got real. My boy Cecil is a Paladin now. I'm leveling in that mountain, and its beast ownage.
    I seriously love how bad my mages get fucked up in fights. It's so depressing because I love mages, but Cecil is such a boss that he hardly gets touched. I'm guessing its because he's a dark night?:hmmm: I do 1 damage to them and they only do 1 to me.
    I'm about to fight this boss at Mt. Ordeals now. I seriously hope I get my party back soon and that Kain gets back over with us. He kicked Cecil's ass. That really depressed me :(

    I honestly haven't played Dissidia before, thats on PSP right? It looked really interesting and it looked pretty fun but I never got around to it:(

    I didnt really care for XII when I played it. I really wanted to give it another shot but sadly my ps3 doesn't play ps2 games. But I can play...... ps1 games? :huh: Doesnt really make sense. None of the characters really grabbed me like previous RPG's I've played. Idk I just couldn't get into it.

    But I agree with you 10000% on Lightning. She is so bad.
    I'm playing the ps1 version of both FFI and IV. I used to have a DS but I traded it in to put towards my pre order of the PS4 :/
    Curing the monsters came in handy so much. Especially in that area that you pick up the old man Tellah. I was using that so much because physical attacks did a whopping 1 damage. WTF!?
    1 big gripe that I have with IV is attacks miss SO MUCH..... Cecil has missed soooo many that it was driving me up the wall so bad. For 81% accuracy he sure does miss alot. Atleast for me anyways.

    Nice! I love me some FFX as well. I actually really love it despite how linear of a game it is. I loved the characters(Yuna is by far my favorite), and I know I'm in the minority on this but I really like Seymour as well. I found his character to be very interesting and I loved when he was involved in scenes. Operation Mi'hen was SO FUCKING AWESOME! Loved him being in the party for that.

    I just.... XIII is just so bad. I cant stand how SE thinks that its actually a game that people care about. I didnt like the story, I didnt even finish XIII-2. And now LR? Really? Lightning isnt deserving of her own game. She isn't even the main focus in the 1st game but for some reason she's force fed to us. I hate her character so much.
    So far I'm really liking IV. I have to say though that Mt. Hobbs had such a difficulty spike, like holy shit. I was used to beating monsters asses and being levels 13-15 I was going through the game just fine. But as soon as I got there and picked up the Monk I was getting my ass kicked by them monsters. It was bad lol.

    It's a big toss up for me on my favorite game. For all the bitching I do about FFVII and the attention it gets with spin offs(and yes I do support a remake despite everything I've said negative about the game) it still remains atop my list, tied with IX. I love IX. The cast of characters, locations, music, I love everything about IX. And it has General Beatrix. Case closed for me :neomon:

    I've tried to play FF I but I just can't stay alive. I'm level 3 at the Temple of Chaos and monsters in there whip my ass. It's ridiculous how bad it is. I have a Warrior, Red and Black Mage, and a Thief. I may start over and make a new party. I'm not sure on what I wanna do yet. :hmmm:

    How about your favorites?
    You better have had a breast augmentation, because all women have boobs :hmph:
    "I want to adopt him... Him... HIM!!!!!! *blows up*
    I'm a girl!
    Do I really sound like a boy?"
    "yes... I mean... I'm sorry! :cry: "
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