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  • How did it go? :jess:

    I think you have to hit 30 before you only have a birthday once every 10 years...I think. I find that treating yourself on your birthday is the best way to enjoy them :yay:
    You are getting a mic? Haha cool we can talk then :britt:. Also yay! Of course I am excited for the summer as I have such a long time off :britt:. Dont worry about PSN... I know it is dead but it will be back eventually.
    I think I killed the last post wins thread last night before I went to sleep. Guess I was so tired last night... :sad:. Two more days now...
    Heh hopefully I will be alright. I mean yes I am smart.. but not capable of only getting straight A's xD
    Uhm yeah sorta. Final class tests etc. Day started off well Mel but towards the end it was shit D=. Yeah so Just 3 more days. My final day is Monday :griin:.
    It wasn't that bad, abit of panic around me but I was only 15 at the time so I don't think any of it really dawned on me. Had to walk home to top it all. :wacky:
    Aww thanks Mel, we could do with a few clones of you too :wacky:

    But when there's just one of us we're special :grin:
    Quite so :griin:
    I'm glad you had a reasonably fun time of things. It gets harder to enjoy your birthday the older you get, after all :gonk:
    ...or maybe its just me being miserable. xD
    Just go for it! It isn't TOO hard as long as you plan your Hero Action route beforehand, do a little bit of grinding in the Arena before tackling Caligula (after you defeat him, you can synth grenades, and your life becomes so, SO much easier) and level up everyone reasonably equally in all three weapon types. You can always ask me if you get stuck~
    Happy birthday for yesterday, Mel :dave:
    I remember seeing the thread and meaning to post in it. Then completely forgetting :mokken:

    Hope you had a good one, girl :monster:
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