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  1. kadblas

    Lady Yuna Lesca

    well not everyone will be able to get enough money or items to customize their armor like that so i used zombie to my advantage and it was simple also if u can get yuna to have holy magic that does some damage but u just need to keep wacking away at her
  2. kadblas

    Dalmasca westersand, giza plain, garamsythe waterway

    Your guys are that strong? my guys were only like lvl 30 when i did that part...:cry2:
  3. kadblas

    Best way to get money?

    he is in the muthru bazaar you go south from the moogling attendant i find it helps to press left or right on the D-pad it shows all the people you can talk to and their names he's on the eastern side of the path south and he's before the clan provisioner hope that helps:D
  4. kadblas

    Help with the hunt in Zeruthenian Cavern

    wait why would you have to shut off your gambits? part of luring it out?
  5. kadblas

    Hunts - One at a time or all at once?

    hey question on the marks for all u ppl who have played a long time um at what level should i fight rank III and rank V marks?
  6. kadblas

    I need quickening help

    well u walk in the cut scene happens and keep walking where u were going the wall should be behind you and follow the path out and open the door the second demon wall is now in front of you hope that helps
  7. kadblas

    Help Wwhite mouse - mark no. 6

    oh i tried fighting that guy he was hard but yeah u go south west and it's one of the entrances from the main control sluice you don't need sluice keys to get to him but the monsters on the way are really hard if ur only lvl 25 lol but there is a way to get to him just keep looking
  8. kadblas

    Am I at the right level?

    yeah i guess i went down there to try a mark (mutant flan) and died at like lvl 25.... but i got past some fiends so that makes sense
  9. kadblas

    Am I at the right level?

    ok you know how you go into like a new area in the game or just somewhere new and you don't know what your level needs to be for that area well can anyone just for the areas they still remember or are doing tell me what they think is a good range for levels to be in a certain area? EX: giza...
  10. kadblas

    FFXII Progress

    lets see started playing 12 last week got bout 20 hours on it so far um lvl 19 -20 got done with tomb of raithwall heading down killed about 9 hunts just finished off wyvern lord and i'm heading down to ozmone plains had trouble with my Vaan idk why but for some reason during the beginning of...