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  1. Asa


    Aer-chan's one of my most favorite FF characters.<3 Yuffie was cool too, but too much in that sugar-packed way, I guess. Almost like she needs to be on Ritalin. Aerith had a more natural sort of cheeriness about her, although it caused her to bungle in some instances (Barrett at the Golden...
  2. Asa

    Are you going to buy this game?

    Yep. I've got my lovely pink DS Lite ready for whenever SE decides to throw this our way.
  3. Asa

    Aeris or Tifa?

    Eh, I refuse to argue about this as I've seen enough nasty Cloti/Clerith wars. I myself can see both and to a certain degree, I support both (although I lean more towards Cloud x Tifa as a relationship-in-progress). I think that Aerith affected Cloud greatly the few short weeks/months that she...
  4. Asa

    Crisis Core Information

    Those screens look beautiful. Zack doesn't look quite so lanky and femme in this installment like he did in Advent Children. I dunno, I kinda miss lanky and femme Zack. d: Sephiroth seems a lot more built as well.
  5. Asa

    Worth it??

    We still don't really know when Crisis Core is going to come out, so if you're up to waiting for a date (and not just a release in Japan date, but a release in NA date), than it's up to you. ^___^ If there were some other PSP games you'd been itching to get, than that would be another story...
  6. Asa

    Best way to get money?

    If you want good money fast, chain those panthers at the entrance to Golmore Jungle on your way to Eruyt Village. You can leave the jungle 2 screens and as long as you don't touch the save crystal, your chain won't break. Steal those coeurl pelts from them! They'll begin to drop some quality...
  7. Asa

    Somewhat Disappointing

    I thought there weren't enough cutscenes in this game. xD I would've liked it better if more character interaction had been attempted by the developers. It was still an excellent game, but you don't get to find out much about the individual charcters aside from the tiny little scraps they feed...
  8. Asa

    The English Voice-Acting

    I think the voices are all excellent. There were a few voices from minor characters that bugged me, but all in all it was quality. But Ondore... his VA needs to stick to one accent or the other! It was all over the place--where'd they pick this guy up?
  9. Asa

    Collector's Edition?

    I got the CE on release day and am glad I did. The tin alone was worth the extra $10, IMO.
  10. Asa

    Favorite Character

    My fav character is Ashe. A gorgeous princess who doesn't sit by the sidelines just healing your comrades. She kicks arse. Not only that, but she's after vengeance and power to destroy, not save (almost unheard of for female leads in FF unless they are evil in some way). How cool is that? xD