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  1. Ree Toric

    What if Rinoa was your girlfriend?

    Im more of a Quistis kind of guy.
  2. Ree Toric

    which one would you date.....

    Id go with Zell, he reminds me of my boyfriend.
  3. Ree Toric

    Worst Final Fantasy Game

    Mine would have to be FFXII, I actually got bored with it when I got to the lighthouse place thingy.
  4. Ree Toric

    Is anyone happy about the turn-based system being replaced?

    I liked it, but whats the point of it when you cant avoid enemy attacks just by running out of the way.
  5. Ree Toric


    I thought larsa was a girl too until I saw his face. And fencing is not a girly fighting style p.s. how old is this kid?
  6. Ree Toric

    Vaan too whimpy?

    I used to think Vaan was whimpy, then he tried to ask Fran her I think he's just stupid.
  7. Ree Toric

    What are you currently reading?

    Resident Evil: Caliban Cove by S.D. Perry
  8. Ree Toric

    Death Bringer

    Yea, the creatures name is Ithuno and its a mimic, you can find him in the back of special op sector 5 I think (he is to the right behind a giant boulder). I stole 9 Deathbringers from him in little under an hour.
  9. Ree Toric

    The First Boss

    Do you mean Sphinxara? Sphinxara's draws are Cure/ Cura/ Curaga, Fire/ Fira/ Firaga, Blizzard/ Blizzara/ Blizzaga, Thunder/ Thundara/ Thundaga level of magic depends on your char level I think.
  10. Ree Toric

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    I cried, not for the fact she died, it was for the fact the I got her almost to level 80 with her best weapon/limit my first time playing FF7.
  11. Ree Toric

    Favorite Fight Scene

    Tifa vs Loz I knew Tifa could fight but...DAAAAAAMN, she seriously kicked some butt.
  12. Ree Toric

    Yuna's Arm

    Its kinda creepy, but kinda funny at the same time.
  13. Ree Toric

    Which Enemies Give You Fits?

    Pretty much any thing that teleports, I waste a good attack when its just about to phase back into reality.
  14. Ree Toric

    What's your highest chain?

    little over 300 in the lhusu mines fighting skeletons...I was Reaaaaly bored, I just kept running back and forth for a good hour and a half.
  15. Ree Toric

    Who Beat Omega?

    I beat him in 2 minutes with Selphie. Selphie+Omegea+The End=A really quick fight.
  16. Ree Toric

    Which female would win in a fight?

    I would have to say Quistis, she is trained in combat, besides quistis has some of the best magic in the game like Mighty Guard, Shockwave Pulsar, Ray-Bomb, and my personal favorite Degenerator. All Rhinoa has is a pinwheel and a dog.