Favorite Fight Scene

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Tifa vs. Yazoo was my favorite fight scene. Next to that would be Cloud vs. Sephiroth.
my favorite fight scene had to be when all the old friends got backtogether and took bahaumet down!! all the awsome jumping and fliping and shooting and stabbing and slicing and punching and everythign! it was so freakin awsome!

yeah those are my favorite too
fight between Cloud and Kadaj's gang in the forest, or whatever it is, when Cloud tells Aerith he wants to be forgiven and is ambushed by them after Kadaj made the children drink the water...

the speed in that fight is great, and the way Yazoo and Loz work together is simply amazing and Cloud trying to parry all their attacks...

also the fight where Kadaj fights Cloud before he becomes Sephiroth, i really love Kadaj's fighting style, it's fast paced with a lot of agility and fast attacks, but when he became Sephiroth it was nice, but too much, nice eyecandy and all, but it was a fight of power, not skill...
sure they are both skilled, but i didn't feel the same as watching Kadaj fighting
eventhough he was terribly afraid of Cloud
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my favorite fight scene had to be when all the old friends got backtogether and took bahaumet down!! all the awsome jumping and fliping and shooting and stabbing and slicing and punching and everythign! it was so freakin awsome!

Same here i always like to fastforward to that scene i have seen it a gizillion times already i never get tired of it i also love ths musik there.
My favorate was when Cloud and Vincent fought the 3 stooges, Vincent fought amazingly.
He floated on the air like a ghost and no one could hit him. And the way Cloud rebounded those bullets back with his sword.. UNBELIVABLE :)
oh yeah, Vincent battles rocked!!! but i really liked the Reno battles, Reno made them fricken hilarious, especially with his "Mother shmother, it's Jenova's fricken head"....WOOHOO! But the best was Cloud VS Sephiroth...talk about awesome graphics and fighting. AND DID U PEOPLE SEE SEPHIROTH'S HUGE ASS MASAMUNE?!!?!?!?!?:O
Mine would definately have to be when all the gang got together and beat the hell out of bahamut sin it was so freakin amaing

Mine would definately have to be when all the gang got together and beat the hell out of bahamut sin it was so freakin amazing

Mine would definately have to be when all the gang got together and beat the hell out of bahamut sin it was so freakin amazing
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My favorite fight scenes:

Rufus VS. Kadaj ~ The matrix and Rufus go really well together. :P
Reno & Rude VS. Yazoo & Loz ~ Reno and Rude are really awesome. They're funny too.
Cloud VS. SHM in the tunnel ~ I really like all the flips and techniques like when Cloud pwns the motorcycle. It reminded me of back to the future with the motorcycles driving all over the walls :P
Definately when they fought bahamut.
It was good to see all the old characters getting in a scrap, even if they were only shown for a few seconds:huh:
The fight scenes are amazing, my favourite is when Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo follow Cloud on the bikes near the end.
My favorite fight scene has to be Tifa VS Loz.

Now before any of you have a heart attack because im being nice to tifa for once ill explain why XD.

Its just better than the others because its a good old fashioned fist fight - no showy swords (Cloud) or fancy melting rain (Aeris) - yet she still manages to make it look just as cool - if not cooler - than cloud VS Sephiroth, the music is simply awesome and the part with the flowers is one of my favorite parts in the movie ^_^ and if im in a very bad mood i like it because Tifa gets hurt :P but she puts up an amazing fight for a normal human - agains't a superhuman, so i have to give her credit for that :)
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