Favorite Fight Scene

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i also love this scene too:Reno and Rude vs Yazoo and Loz.

ok i agree and out of this entire stock here only one person so far to sya it. i really think this fight was very nice.

close behind it are the final fight scene, tifa-loz, and bahamut. tifa-loz ws stupendous i feel. also the ancient city fight scene was marvelous as well. i think the only fight scene that could really be omproved was the very first one w/ cloud vs the gang.
my favorite fight scene had to be when all the old friends got backtogether and took bahaumet down!! all the awsome jumping and fliping and shooting and stabbing and slicing and punching and everythign! it was so freakin awsome!

That is my favorite fight scene as well.
My favorite fight scene was when they fought Bahamut SIN. It was just AWESOME seeing the old group back together, fighting together and all that great stuff ^_^ Though I did very much enjoy Cloud and Kadaj's fight scene along with Cloud and Sephiroth's, Bahamut's was just my favorite. It was great seeing them working together to defeat him as a team ^_^
reno and rude vs loz and yazoo, its so cool, in the begining rude and reno gets butkicked, but in the end of it they get better, and the whole scene is so fun
My favorite fight scene was the fight between cloud and sepiroth
especially when the fight was about to end when cloud is tired
and sepitroth grab his shirt and strike his sword while cloud blocking
his attacks and finally stabs cloud on the lower part of the shoulder..
that was cool...:lol:
The Forgotton Capital Agito, it was an awesome fighting scene
My favorite fight scenes were Tifa vs. Yoz and The Turks vs. The Sephiroth Bros.

It was amazing watching the Turks in action against some powerful opponents. Breath takeing
I loved the gang fighting against Bahamut Sin. That was an amazing specticle. The scale and slick moves involved was just amazing.

I also loved the Tifa Vs. Loz fight, her martial arts moves were great and the sound of their punches and kicks connecting was lovely. Turn up the bass and it is great to listen to.

The ancient city fight was amazing the choreography was great too along with the on-motorbike battles. The choreography of the motorcycle battles was nice (not too sure about the first one mind).

The best one has to be the Sephiroth Vs. Cloud confrontation. The epic set-piece and vicious exchange was great and the orchestral/rock music remix of the One Winged Angel soundtrack was great.
btween seporath and te other gut in the end. i dont get to see much of FF. not made for my systems
Cloud VS. Sephiroth, most definately. I'd waited since I heard about that movie to see that scene, and it didn't let me down. I love the music to the scene, the moves, etc.

Secondly would go to Bahamut Sin. Loved the gang all fighting to bring him down.
I thought that last highway battle was amazing. Where Cloud was fighting Yazoo and Loz on the motorbikes in the tunnel. And that little scene with Reno and Rude setting off the explosives was pretty awesome, also. I really loved the music that went with it, too.
1-The bikes fighting was pretty Cool..No it was awesome.
2- Cloud vs Seph was Cool too Yea..Damn
Tifa vs. Yazoo was great...it kinda reminded me of the matrix for some reason or another..that poor church was demolished
loved the final fight w/ sephiroph. The other party members on the airship provide comic relief on the whole thing while chopping buildings in half is just cool
The Tifa and Loz one is a really great one in the church, as well as the one between Cloud and the 3 goon sin the tunnel. However, I think the fight between all of the characters and Bahamut at the end and the Cloud finishing him off by everyone giving him a boost, was a great way to end the fight and the flim.
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