Favorite Fight Scene

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oh forgot the Bahamut fight is my 2nd fave
I don't see what so good about this fight, except for the come-back of Cid, Yuffie, Vincent, etc.

The fight didn't make sense at all, and how Cloud killed it... >_>

My favourite one was the Seph VS Cloud battle, and teh Tifa VS Loz.
Cloud VS sephiroth battle, i was glued to the screen watching that part but i wish it lasted longer.
I thought the Bahamut fight was pretty cool as well as the motorcycle battle. But the best fight scene, IMO would be Cloud vs Seph.
My fav is with Kadaj and Cloud then Kadaj turns in to Sephy.

And Tifa and Loz was also great.
Poor Tifa =(
i like almost all the fight scene,, well i was surprise how tifa fight in the early part of the story:),, but what i like most was the fight scene of cloud and sephiroth,,(....i really like unique sword fighting styles..):D
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