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  1. Quattro Bageena

    good, neutral or evil?

    You look like a pretty good guy to me.
  2. Quattro Bageena

    What's your mood?

    Devilish, as always. Almost.
  3. Quattro Bageena


  4. Quattro Bageena

    One of the best FF games ever

    I deffinately think it is the worst instalment of the main series, but that doesn't make it a bad game by ANY stretch of the imagination. This game was really ambitious and experimented with a ton of new features. Some of the features were kind of iffy, but so what? They experimented and...
  5. Quattro Bageena

    Party Names?

    So, what names do you use for your Light Warriors? For my most recent go-around, they were: Warrior - Cartmn Monk - Stan White Mage - Kyle Black Mage - Kenny
  6. Quattro Bageena

    Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

    If you are against gay marriage, just don't marry a homosexual. :P
  7. Quattro Bageena

    Why did you join this forum?

    Well, uh... This is a Final Fantasy forum... And I just-so-happen to be a huge fan of Final Fantasy. A match made in heaven? You decide. :P
  8. Quattro Bageena

    Are you....?

    I was born and raised in America, but my entire family is from Romania.
  9. Quattro Bageena

    What's your real name?

    I am Matthew Love.
  10. Quattro Bageena

    Myspace Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  11. Quattro Bageena

    I LOVE this game!

    I really love this game. I remember owning both FFA and Zelda: Link's Awakening when I was little and prefering this because of all the clever weapons. The story really was something. Every bit of it holds up well today, even compared to its overloaded GBA remake.
  12. Quattro Bageena

    Convince Me..

    It's a thuroughly awesome game, but it's not going to suit your FFVII jones. It's not similar to VII at all. III is a job system game (similar to FFV, FFXI, and FFX-2), which puts leveling and everything in an a different spectrum. In spite of heavy additions, the storyline is not very deep...
  13. Quattro Bageena

    possibly the worst ff ever

    I thought FF2 was okay. Every element of the game that I disliked has never been used again (such as the pointless password system and the goofy and easily cheatable experience system). You got to give them props for experimenting with those elements, at least. Now we know that they don't...
  14. Quattro Bageena

    PS or GBA version?

    Not only is the difficulty level nonexistent in the PSX easy mode/GBA version, it is almost like having some sort of God mode. I just sort of strolled through the GBA version. I don't think even one of my party members ever died. Since the game has a simple storyline, most of the game's fun...
  15. Quattro Bageena


    I have the most fun when I use... Fighter Monk Black Mage White Mage
  16. Quattro Bageena

    One white mage

    I assume you would achieve a one-man party by simply letting three die and never reviving them. I heard of someone who has beaten the game with a team of four white mages, and that it was about as harrowing as one might imagine. I myself doubt that a single character of ANY class could beat...
  17. Quattro Bageena

    Hello all.

    Heyas! Just thought I would stop by and enjoy the forum. My favorite FFs are III, VI, and VIII with my favorite all-time characters being Edgar, Locke, Setzer, Squall, Seifer, and Irvine. I am a very dedicated gamer with broad taste, and I know how to have a good time. ^_^ Hopefully I will...