possibly the worst ff ever

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Crystal Chronicles was by far the worst, avoid that like the plague.
2 isnt that all bad.

Yeah crystal chronicles is definatly the worst final fantasy, closely followed by final fantasy 10-2, compared to these games FF II is the best.
I own this game in FFOrigins of PS, and personally, I enjoyed it more than the original FFI. They system of status increasing didn't borhter me at all, I found FFI to be just...unplayable due to its ifficulty, but that's just me, lol.
Or how about Final Fantasy Adventure? Ehh?
For any of you who have actually played this horribly horrible game, you know what i'm talking about.

that game made me want to kill myself...

but this game wasn't that bad. Any game with a lead character named Guy deserves a second chance.
... I thought FF7 was awful. *prepares to be flamed and attacked* The only good things that came about from FF7 were Clerith Sephiroth and Advent Children
I own this game in FFOrigins of PS, and personally, I enjoyed it more than the original FFI. They system of status increasing didn't borhter me at all, I found FFI to be just...unplayable due to its ifficulty, but that's just me, lol.

FF 1 was fairly easy (especially the bosses.... they never lasted more than 3 or 4 hits for me). The only tough thing about it was getting around those damn complicated dungeons.

On the other hand, FF 2 could screw you over if you adventured too far in any direction you were not supposed to go (inevitably resulting in a battle you could not win).
It's possible that FFII was the worst FF ever - but not probable.

I've not played them all, but of all of the (numbered) FF games that I've played, I actually disliked X and X-2 the most. That doesn't mean that I hated them, just didn't like them as well. (Played and own I,IIj,II-SNES,III-SNES,VII,X,X-2,XII)

I did not like blitzball, or most of the mini-games/sidequests. Had I wanted a sports or a race car game, I would have chosen one. As it were, I wanted a game with maximum strategy, and minimum hand/eye coordination. So those parts really pissed me off.

FFII rocks. I really love it. I hope they do a remake. :)
Is this the one where the first boss is a Sergeant? Or maybe not first... anyway, that boss music is amazing. It's one of my favourites.
Not 1 of my favs i must admit but it's retro what do u expect it good for hardcore ff fans. Also has any 1 heard about the remake of the old final fantasy which came out for erm.. which 1 was it the nes or the snes?
that would be I, II on PSP and III on DS. All were on NES. They're doing IV for DS I think. They finally re-released VI on GBA. It keeps crashing whenever I play anthology on my PS.
... I thought FF7 was awful. *prepares to be flamed and attacked* The only good things that came about from FF7 were Clerith Sephiroth and Advent Children

Are you HIGH!? FFVII rocked out with it's cock out, FFVII was the most groundbreaking game of it's time. One might even say FFVII was the most influential FF games of all time.

Back on topic: In my opinion Final Fantasy X-2 is the worst game in the series thus far, It as a horrible attempt to miolk the money cow. Although the "Gunner's Gauntlet" was rather entertaining.
Are you HIGH!? FFVII rocked out with it's cock out.

Was there really any need for that? Its called opinions. And as for the word "cock" being used...

cloud_halberd4hire said:
i didnt really like the first few final fantasy in the series they seemed more pointless to me.

Dont know how you can say that. Hoiw are they pointless?! The first few are amazing games. IMO I prefer the old ones to the new releases like 12, DoC and CC. Are you refering to 7,8,9 being in the first few also? If so, then IMO you dont know classics lol.
i like the final fantasies that are 4 and up but the ones before that just didnt appeal. and i hated the final fantasy tactics.

Really? I found Tactics to be so-so, okay it wasnt the best, but it wasnt the worst IMO. But thats just me. Have you played 3 yet? Its a decent game, even though I never played the original. I can understand how some people arent too fond of the earlier games, theres more structure I guess in the later games.
I think FF8 was a great game... i dont know what you are talking about, but that is ur opion i guess lol
FF8 has ok graphics but all of it is just so complicated like GFs, and Junctioning, I did not understand anything at all in the GF tutorial that game is crap.
I thought FF2 was okay. Every element of the game that I disliked has never been used again (such as the pointless password system and the goofy and easily cheatable experience system).

You got to give them props for experimenting with those elements, at least. Now we know that they don't work! :P
How can this be the worst game ever created?
The level up system was something new and creative that the game Designers needed to sell games, it wasn't that much of a Failure to me, I actually liked it.

The story line was amazing for NES game, It was a huge plus to FF1's Find some crystals and save the world storyline that you get at the beginning of the game.

FFX-2 was much worse.
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