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  1. EsperLies

    Best & Worsts Thread

    Favorite Character: Rikku Favorite Male Character: Auron Favorite Female Character:Rikku Favorite Boss:Braska's Final Aeon Favorite Villain: Favorite Race:Spiran Favorite Temple: Kilika Favorite Area: Zanarkand Ruins Favorite Place: Besaid Favorite Song/Music: Hymn of the Fayth Favorite Weapon...
  2. EsperLies

    Worst Final Fantasy Game

    I don't see why people hate X-2, really it wasn't bad a game. I mean sure they killed blitzball, I mean quite literally taking a shotgun to it, and the new mini-game sucks ass. {FF mini-games + math = horrible, horrible mini-game} But other than those obviously bad points the game was decent...
  3. EsperLies

    Predicting my future as a hobo, it's EsperLies

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, I'm looking at some of the threads and I'm liking them. Looks like i'll be busy. I can read your purple just fine. ^^ And yes cyan is much better. A very casual guy I see, I think I like you already. see you around.
  4. EsperLies

    Predicting my future as a hobo, it's EsperLies

    {This is to both of you guys.} Hey thanks for answering so quickly, it shows that this is a friendly active forums, and I like those. And sorry for the color, I was just experimenting a bit.
  5. EsperLies

    Predicting my future as a hobo, it's EsperLies

    Hello, Ahloha, Hola, Konichiwa, and whatever... My name is EsperLies and I'm an avid player of Final Fantasy and basically all games made and produced by Square Enix. Now time to go on my 30-second rant of why Square Enix rules. If you've noticed I've yet to hear about a bad game made by Square...