Worst Final Fantasy Game

The Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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My first ff game was ffX and since ive got X+2 and XII.
out of these ,XII is by far the worst!
I didnt like the way they changed the battle system and i found myself getting lost and left behind in the story.. I got to one bit in the game where i just couldn't beat a boss and it frustrated me so much that i went out and brought the guide. In there it told me i shud have been about 10 lvls higher with loads more items and equipment that i didnt see anywhere. I neva got even halfway thru this game so i mite go back and try agen to see if my opinion changes but atm its defonitely the worst of the 3.
:D cheers for reading :D
I thought FFXII was the worst of the series. Don't get me wrong, the graphics were amazing but the thing I hated the most about this game was the battle system. I had a hard time getting into this game mainly because of that. I thought about continuing my saved file some more but the thing was... I deleted it when I realized that was the reason why I didn't like this game in the first place. :/
Mystic Quest...ugh...I don't know...it was like FF meets Super Mario World. I did finish it tho.
I don't see why people hate X-2, really it wasn't bad a game. I mean sure they killed blitzball, I mean quite literally taking a shotgun to it, and the new mini-game sucks ass. {FF mini-games + math = horrible, horrible mini-game} But other than those obviously bad points the game was decent, especially for a direct sequel. The voice acting was excellent, the graphics much better than its predecessor side missions had some good rewards and to be blunt - I'm a sucker for a half-naked Rikku. She was in her bikini like 24hrs a day! Just because you choose to cover the bottom half of your bikini with a mini-skirt doesn't hide the fact you're still wearing a mini-skirt.

As for my vote, I picked FF:CC. Final fantasy games for a Nintendo system shouldn't exist anymore!
I only played a handful but I did not like Crystal Chronicles. I didnt like how the game played out at all.
MQ. That is the only FF game ever made I can honestly say I didn't like.

But I'm voting under the delusion that MQ never existed at all, so I'm gonna have to categorize this based on whether it's a spinoff or a non-spinoff.

Spinoff-wise, it's CC. The game is actually enjoyable for the first few hours, but it's irritatingly repetitive, so I got tired after awhile.

Main series wise, I'm tempted to vote VII simply because the "omg ff7 are teh greatist cuz its ff7" folks make me wanna snap tables in half. However, since we're objective judging (kinda), I have to say VIII is a worse game than the rest. Not that I think it's bad, mind you, I just don't like the draw system, or the storyline in comparison to other FFs. Just my two cents.

EDIT: This may change, of course, once I've played X-2, because I haven't yet.
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I honest to god HATED FFXII, Vaan was just so annoying! He wasnt even the protagonist in this and we were forced to play as the weird haired, weird bodied whiny character of the game!
I didn't care for FF8, as it deviated too far from the classic FF formula for me (for example, they got rid of MP in FF8). I only played through FF8 once, and decided not to go back to it...

And Crystal Chronicles just plain sucked, as it didn't feel like a FF game to me that much (if at all...)
II. I never liked the characters or storyline. It just did not trigger the <3 like most FF games do to me.
As much as I still hate II and think I is crap, after playing V that is my new most hated game, it wasn't as dull as the first one but it just made me far too angry, I got far too lost and died too much

Plus the job system was godawful, I really hated it, I don't use magic all that often yet I was constantly finding myself with up to 3 magews in my party which was really beginning to peck my head

Awful game
FFVIII for a number of reasons including a broken leveling system, tedious micro management, the equally tedious draw system, a convoluted plot, the non-developed or explained Ultimecia, the J-pop main theme, and a self centered jerk for a protagonist who has no justifiable reason for being that way. It also irks me just how immature most of the plot and characters treat war, these are mercenaries fighting battles why is everyone so cheery and how come there is almost no depictions or at least allusions to death.
This video explains it well:
Lol, I'm not actually surprised that X-2 has the most amount of votes :lol:

I voted for X-2 too. I didn't like Yuna in the game, she seemed too much like Rikku. In fact, I'm sure there's one part she says she's trying to be like her :confused: I thought the excessive missions and lack of the story on finding Tidus was annoying. And I thought it was really cheesey and more like girly super heroes rather than Final Fantasy heroins.
I think I and II have dated so much that I can't even play them so I'm confused as to whether I should consider them. With regards to X-2, the fact that I never played it past the first couple of minuites speaks volumes for me. I think that I didn't give it a fair chance to impres me and so I may buy it buy; but it was just not Final Fantasy. I didn't feel that spark and thus I turned it off and never played it again. I'll vote some other time, though, as I think I should give it another shot and come to a proper conclusion.
My least favorite is probably Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. It's the only Final Fantasy that I played for 15 minutes, and never touched it again.
I voted for the first game. While historic and amazing for it's time, it was still pretty much on par with the rest of the games, whereas each game after it was leaps and bounds better than most games.

It's still a good game and without it none of the Final fantasies you love now would have been made and many other great games wouldn't have existed either.
I picked X-2 cause it really had no point to being there other than getting Square some extra cash.
For me ffX-2 or XII has to be worst probably they ruined Yuna I mean since when would Yuna suddenly dress like that? And when would she say 'poopie' ugh it kills me to think about. And Rikku sure she was always hyper active but in ffX-2 she was just over the top to the point of being unbearable. And it's music wasn't nearly as good.

But 12 I hated Ashe and as the storyline revolved around her I just didn't care. seriously and Vaan was a major let down as a main character, not to mention Balthier pretty much took over before you were even a quarter of the way through. And characters like Fran, Penelo and Basch you knew next to nothing about. I would have liked to learn a lot more about them too, but the whole thing was just Ashe and then Balthier's story became more involved Vaan just seemed to be there and he never did anything useful. Balthier was the sole good thing to come out of that game and it's annoying because I thought the voice acting good, I liked the battle system and I started off really liking everyone except Ashe and Vann but the story never was about them and they became boring and fairly unnessicary, the music also was fairly uninteresting only two themes in the entire game were memorable. So 12 gets the vote from me
Final Fantasy X-2 without a doubt, not they ruined Yuna appearance and gave her a more "Naughty" profile. But they Ruined also the best Mini-game ever on Final Fantasy, Blitzball. I didn't like at all having at all the Soundtrack.
I think the only great thing about FFX-2 its the Costume Change, Abilities and ATB.