Worst Final Fantasy Game

The Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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Those 'crack pots' may have never played Mystic Quest and may be insulted by said comment, please allow others to have their own opinions and elaborate on WHY you think Mystic Quest is the worst game, thank you
I'd also remind you that insulting members is against the rules and you could be infracted appropriately.

I dislike VI for the simple reasons that I can't attach myself to the story or the characters, the boss battles are painful, the music isn't particularly alluring and you spend half the game looking for characters you've only just acquired.

There's a lot of running back and forth for a relatively ridiculous reason and the whole game just screams 'desperate' to me, in terms of the fact that it looks as though Squaresoft only developed half of the game to fill up the disc.
It was all in good fun, no insulting intended. Perhaps I forgot to add a Smiley face or something.
Look, I come from another forum that can be pretty Brash, and lots of jabs and sarcastic humor thrown back and forth. I may have gotten carried away posting that in that way.

Also add my apologies to the three and take it out of my original post.

OK...Why Mystic Quest is worse than Final Fantasy 6. In my opinion. For one, it was made as an introductory game for people who had not played Final Fantasy type RPGs. The Enemys are not hidden but can be seen. The game is many times easier. More time and artistic abilities went into the making of 6 compaired to MQ. FF6 Pushed the Snes to more colors than it originaly was made for. Also has one of the greatest music scores for a video game. MQ is so bad that on a list of BAD FF games it is even forgotten to be put on the list of FF games.
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Honestly, i think crisis core is the worst FF game in my opinion. Its not because of the story or anything, i just dont think that FF VII was the right game for the job in the situation of another spinoff. (not including GBA versions of older ones).
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Please add a little more effort to your post, say why you think Crisis Core is rthe worst, thank you
I put ff8, it just felt like a step in the wrong direction for me, although the new style summons were great It just felt like a rushed product that could have been so much better than it was....

ff7 is one of my favorites but my all time favorite has to be final fantasy tactics, although the story is not as emotional as all the others, it has everything you could want from a FF game and a very interesting twist on the RTS style combat system, oh and job system FTW! :D
There were a few tactical Final Fantasies if I'm remembering rightly, and I remember borrowing it from a friend for my GB and getting absolutely sick of it after a couple of hours because it wasnt FF and the battle style didn't attract me. Therefore I voted other.

X-2 or XII are my least favourites.

But overall i think X-2 is the worst. Mainly because of the cheesiness of the gameplay, and the whole girlpower attitude. i'm only playing it for storyline purposes. Also the battle system claims to be ATB, which fair enough it has elements of. But the way the characters are randomly spread around the battlefield is really confusing.
Hmmm, I'm suprised to see so many voted VII. I'll go with X2, even though its fun to play if you don't take it seriously and pretend it's not part of the FF series.
Well...All of the FF games i have played, i choose Final Fantasy XII.
Reason 1: Characters ! Seriosly...Whatta f*ck ? Penelo ?! Vaan ?!
Reason 2: Plot ! Way too much politics/and stuff like that for my taste -.-
Reason 3: I dont like that place where all that stuff happens... It just fells like im in somesorta "real" town. I like more real FANTASY fell.

-Pretty rushed out -.- Oh well, i can give one positive thing about this game... And its Ashe. *www* That skirt - that a$$...Oh my god.
I'm changing my vote from FFVIII to FFV. I HATE that game. Job systems SUCK. And it's ridiculously difficult -__-

FFVIII is <3 however =D
I'm changing my vote from FFVIII to FFV. I HATE that game. Job systems SUCK. And it's ridiculously difficult -__-

FFVIII is <3 however =D

How does that happen? You vote FFVIII for the worst FF game, then change your mind to FFV, and express your love towards FFVIII? Odd...

But regardless, I'm quite happy you decided FFVIII wasn't the worst IYO, and that you consider it "<3".
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I didn't really like FFIII- I tried playing it, I kept giving up on it because honestly it was boring me. It felt like I had played almost exactly the same game before (and I was playing the other FF early games at the same time)
Hey everybody IM New, this is my first post.

Its kinda pessimist start here, but wast the first that i saw.

there is a few things that i dont like in some FF, and those are:

FFVII_CRISIS_CORE: I know it have amazing grabhics and prerendered animations, and the storyline is great (Amazing ending,even wen u know how its gonna end), but the #$@% battle system where can going on just whit phisical atacks whitout need magic or skills and the !?#%ç´-"@(&¿>} DMW that dont allow u to sumon, use limits or improve materia at your own will (its an RPG not a casino game) are very bad elements.

FFXI: I dont even know how is that game, only can be played online, there are people like me that cant aford that service. Yea I like MMORPGs but why cant i play it in my house alone like the others FFs.

FFIV(the one with Cecil): dont even have a skill development system, just train, train, train ang gain level, why canot u have control of the skills u lern or the way u raise ur character, even in FFI can choose characters and 3 of 4 spells.

FFX-2: Of course it is the winer, for this reasons:
1: the fiends have diferent names from the originals
2: the dressphere system is to lame and is annoyng have to change job only for use an skill or magic.
3: the intro theme is too gay(but i like the other song that yuna sing)
4: the blitzball minigame is to stupid, but need to play it in order to anconplish the game.
5: can go anywhere since the begining of the game, it is siply not ok.
6: for learn skills, need to use skills, but if u are a warrior and want only to attak, never learn skills.

(sorry abut the grammar and language structure errors, i am Mexican and not very good whit english)
i think x-2 is stupid, why that's the only game they ever made like a sequel for.. if the first game is bad what makes them think a 2nd is goin to make everything better? :eek:uttahere:
i didn't like ff9 much
seems a little too kiddy for me i guess
i would think there would be something better after 7 and 8 you know
i voted X-2, why? need i explain, FFX was ok for me but not the best, and a seqel was just boredom, the battle system was interesting ill say as its the first time the job system was in the next gen console, other than that the storyline sucks, sure i was sad Tidus disapeared at the end of X but it was dramatic and a interesteing twist at the end for the main protaganist.

i almost voted XII as well, simply becasue the atmosphere and the battle system didnt feel like a Final Fantasy game to me, it was good but it just didnt feel right
i voted for X-2 because i played it for 1 day and got sop completely annoyed at how much they managed to ruin X that i returned it and put X in and hoped i would forget X-2 ever happened, sadly it did not work and i cannot play X any more without thinking how horrible X-2 was

also if dirge of Cerberus was on there i would vote for that i played it all the way through hoping beyond hope that something good would happen but sadly, no it just ended without any interesting or surprising happening although i would state that they had an interesting idea of making it a shooter if they did it right and put more effort into the story line it would have been really good
My vote goes toward FFV, it found it quite hard, the story wasn't really appealing to me, and the job system was horrible imo.