Worst Final Fantasy Game

The Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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let down

I would have to say that FFX was the biggest let down for me the game was great and the cut scenes were awesome but I thought the ending was shit I was hopeing the whole game that what they were hinting to wouldnt pan out but sure as shit "poof" Titus is a thought and disappears.....weak
FF X-2 is a god damn heresy. They tried to capture the female gamers that are not already into it. But didn't tell us guys, and then our parents saw us watch the intro and thought we were gay... Perhaps I said too much. hehe
I am currently playing through XII again and the experience has so far confirmed my original feelings... the game is horrid. The characters are bland, the music either stale or a blatant rip-off of Star Wars (the sandsea music especially), and the story is even more boring than I remembered. Add to this a flawed combat system (the Tales series does active battle far better) and a chance based treasure chest system that also requires a walkthrough if you wish to gain the best weapon in the game... Final Fantasy XII was such a giant step backwards for the series and I dearly hope that FFXIII does a 180 from this game.
Its between two of them, V and XII, both are very good (despite what some people say about XII), but they are easily my least two favorite FF games I have played. If I had to choose one it would be V, the plot did eventually pick up, but the characters other than Gualf were boring (Farris was cool at first, but that ended early in the game)...at least in XII there is Balthier, Basch and Dr. Cid to keep your attention, plus a couple of the cool pirates you run across. Also the Job system was too complicated, okay not too complicated, but only allowing for 1 extra ability felt weak, should have been 2 extra abilites
[FONT=MS 明朝]I gotta say VII. Not because it was bad, but it was the least compelling, and probably the only one I wouldn[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]t play again. [/FONT]

[FONT=MS 明朝]1)[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]The characters: I know the character designer changed with this one, but it was too hard to take for me. Up until this game, the character designs were very elegant and artistic; no giant swords, crazy hair, or ridiculously huge chests. The characters in this game looked like they jumped right out of a teen anime. Gone were the delicate features and curious outfits of Amano[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]s art, which gave the series a rare sort of class that was never seen in games, and in came the fan service: Big hair, big weapons, and big boobs. It felt like a sell-out to me. Also, having the first main black character in Final Fantasy be big, dumb, loud, angry, violent, and uncouth kinda rubbed me the wrong way.[/FONT]
[FONT=MS 明朝]2)[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]The battle system: The battle system was never very interesting because everyone was virtually the same. Everyone could learn any spell, summon, or skill on the fly just by equipping materia (managing materia was also a pain). The only real thing that separated the characters were limit breaks, And even those weren[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]t a very big deal.[/FONT]
[FONT=MS 明朝]3)[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]Too many parts of the game where nothing happens: It just felt like in this game so much more than others where nothing is going on; I[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]m just running around fighting the same boring random battles. The game lulls about too much for me.[/FONT]
[FONT=MS 明朝]4)[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]The graphics: I know, it[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]s unfortunate, but the game is just hard to look at now. The 32-bit era was kind of like the 80[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]s of video-game: a lot of new innovations were coming out and we saw many things for the first time, which were really cool then, but looking back, things just look ugly, boxy, and primitive. I can go back to FFVI any time and think the graphics are beautiful, but this[/FONT]

[FONT=MS 明朝]Also, just another little complaint: The playstation[/FONT][FONT=MS 明朝]s midi music was really bad, making otherwise great music sound crappy (compare FFVI music on the SNES with the psx re release).[/FONT]
I don't believe in voting against something I haven't played, X-2 and Crystal Chronicles are the only ones on that list I haven't played.

So out of the others I'd have to say FFXII. The plot was... Blaaah. Kind of boring, and it lacked complexity (which is REALLY important to me).
X-2 made me want to vomit. Terrible plot, annoying characters, all the staples of a terrible game. I would also like to throw CC and DoC under the bus too. I liked VII, it was a decent game, but the whole Compilation of VII thing must end.
Hey guys, let's try and put a little more effort into our posts. Explain WHY you thought it was the worst game.
Chrystal chronicles i guess... Never liked it :)
and Why you guys hate X-2? I love this game!!!! Beacause of you they didn't make X-3!! :( xD ;p
x-2 was a waste of a game. they should have never created it. it was a piece of crap and i never liked it.
x-2 was a waste of a game. they should have never created it. it was a piece of crap and i never liked it.
Please try to add a little more effort in to your posts - have a look at some other posts and see how you could develop your own, in the future. You could explain why you thought this about X-2. Thanks. :)
I hated FFX-2 so much!! That shouldn't even be on the list! It isn't even Final Fantasy. It just sucks! It is all girls like come on.
I hated FFX-2 so much!! That shouldn't even be on the list! It isn't even Final Fantasy. It just sucks! It is all girls like come on.
Yes, it should, given that the thread is asking your opinion on the worst title in the series. :wacky: Also, why does the female influence mean that "it just sucks"? I thought that was a rather refreshing approach to a Final Fantasy title.
If there were more characters to handle instead of just three women, like, we used guest characters at certain points, or had a few extra characters to play with, it wouldnt have been so dull. I'm used to playing with a variety of characters. Only three throughout the whole of the game often let me feel bored.

And women can fight like men. I suggest you watch martial arts videos..and go to martial arts classes..etc
IMO Crystal Chronicles was far and away the worst FF game I've ever played. I remember that I was excited to hear that a FF game would be coming to Gamecube and then extremely disappointed when I found out it was a shell of a FF game at best.
DAMN IT i voted FFX-2 cause i mean i thought it was the worst
then i saw ff12 and i was like damn...should've voted for that
FF12 was all about politics politics and more politics
i mean its okay to talk about politics in the story but they should've added more
also FFx2 to me was just a complete waste of time..in the ending of ffx they showed at the complete end..Tidus reawakening..they should've just ended it there..and showed Yuna meet him..or at least if they didnt make ffx-2 into such a fanboy game..it would've been good...Yuna completely changed..their cloths were so slutty..it was a complete waste of time and space

I hated FFX-2 so much!! That shouldn't even be on the list! It isn't even Final Fantasy. It just sucks! It is all girls like come on.

umm so what if it was all girls? got a problem with girls being main characters now? thats not even a good enough reason to hate the game

Final Fantasy IX-Final Fantasy IX is often ''too werid '' for most Final Fantasy Fans, and the strange characters and storyline can put people off from playing.

i really dont quiet understand why everyone saying the characters were werid..probably cause Zidane was finally a character that wasent like the previous squall and cloud..zidane wasent all emo and depressed
i beleive thats why
...It's not exactly thrilling when you're stuck with the same 3 characters throughout the game. Lack of variety = lack of fun.

And while I'm here, make sure people in future, NOT to double/triple post etc.
I actually rather enjoyed having only three characters, it gave the game a more personal feel to it, rather than drifting away into other characters (who usually end up being people i don't really care for =P) But that's just my opinion =] And i didn't hate X-2 either, i know it wasn't very "final fantasy" but non-the-less was a rather refreshing game! and trying to get 100% certainly kept me entertained =D

I voted for XII because i didn't like the lack of character development, i felt like half the cast didn't even know why they were there X_x
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I am so glad FFX-2 was the first FF game I've ever played.
Simply because I thought it was a really neat game (I was young, didn't know any better)
Do you have any idea how amazing the rest of the FF games were after playing X-2? Amazing