Worst Final Fantasy Game

The Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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i would have to say...II maybe, didnt even bother to get very far in that at all.
i didnt think X-2 was as bad as people are making it out to be in this thread, but it didnt deserve to be 10's proper sequel.
i dont know what to say about the dress sphere system, im not sure whether i like it or hate it :S
i did frown upon the whole use of guns, it did take away some of the classic FF elements for me.

i do however wish they hadnt used 10's characters, they runied them completely.
I have to say III - DS version. The Final Fantasy magic just wasn't there. It was a decent enough game but it had no soul.
For me it's FF IX, I would have voted for X-2, but I don't consider that to be part of the "main" FF series, I'm sticking to non sequel games for this vote.

I couldn't stand IX. I didn't like Zidane, I found the character rather annoying, I wasn't a fan of the main antagonist one bit, I don't see how anyone can enjoy Kuja, and the battle system was deplorable. To this day I've never found a system as bad as the trance system. Unlike other limit type moves you couldn't just build it up before fights, as one hit too many would put you into the system and force you to waste it on a common enemy. I don't think I've replayed this game since I first finished it when it first came out, and don't plan on doing so any time in the near future.
I voted other, ff Mystic Quest... urg... it was... different... i really didnt care for it because of its spell selection. there were many other things i didnt like at all. play it if u get the chance... its different
X-2, without a doubt. It should never have been. Yes it filled in the gaps story line, and we all enjoyed learning a new... much more annoying language. The story was ok, but i just hated everything else about it. I hate the dress spheres, i hated searching for spheres in general for that matter. I hated leblanc, and i just didn't like anything about it. So for me, X-2 gets my vote for Worst FF game in history.
I agree. X-2 is definately my least favorite. I've only played X, X-2, and XII, but I've seen other games and read forums about them and they seem interesting. X-2 is definately my least favorite :-\ Dress spheres were annoying as hell. lol
Well i honestly Love X-2 and X and basically all of them........... but i gotta say VI freakin sucked.....i mean i know it was an OK game but i just didnt like it...
Final Fantasy II.

I haven't played III, so I don't have an opinion on that, neither did I play CC. X-2 is a assload better than II. I just couldn't get into II AT ALL.
I voted for FF 5 i just didn't enjoy the game the characters and the story and battle system just didn't like the game.
Ooh, that's a toughy. I'm really picky when it comes to FF games...since they've all set quite a high standard over the years.

And it doesn't help that my perception's altered by playing later games, and then going back to earlier ones like I-III.

That being said, I think I'd have to go with X-2. Just...yeah. 'Nuff said.
Speaking strictly I-XII, though...I'd have to say VIII.
I don't know why. I just never got into it, and I didn't like most of the characters...and it just didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game at all to me.

I really enjoyed XII...but it didn't really feel like a Final Fantasy game at all. But the battle system and characters and story were all pretty sweet if they would've been a spin-off or a standalone series.

Also, I haven't played the original version, but I despised the DS version of III. Jobs were difficult and un-fun. Characters were bland, as was story. Battles were always too hard and unbalanced. Just...grr...irritating.

Haha, but that's total opinion and nit picking courtesy of me.
Can't really decide which one is the worst because I don't think that any of the FF(those that I've played at least) is really that bad.But I have FFXII and FFX-2 who are my least favorites,although I enjoyed the dresspheres in FFX-2,the story didn't excite me that much and the characters themselves(talking about the rest of the characters and not the three main protagonists).As for FFXII,it was the story too that didn't attract so much,I'd want some more romance in it.I admit I did enjoy the battle system even though at the beginning I found it weird and it took me time to get used to it.
I think that final fantasy 1 was the worst and well, it was the FF game made so I expected those graphics. The game didn't have a good story either and it was kinda confusing when I first played it because I didn't know where to go when I got a bit far into the game. Most of the other final fantasy games had good and interesting stories, this is why I voted final fantasy 1.
I voted for IX, why? I have never even finished the game nor have I wanted to unfortunately. I wasn't really entertained by the story or the characters and when I was playing it wasn't because I was intrigued to find out what happened next. It was because I thought that I should probably finish it seeing as I had spent money on the game.

I know alot of people out there really like the game, I just felt it lacking in some areas. I didn't connect with the characters much, exception being Vivi. Zidane and Garnet annoyed me alot and when the two mains are annoying then you are really stuck between a rock and a hard place. Zidane was humorous, but sometimes to the point of appearing stupid and Garnet, I don't know how I would even describe her.

I haven't played this game in 7 years. I have never even had the urge to put it back into my station and run around. So I think for that reason I would say it was the worst. For me there was really no re-play value to the game. Whereas the other games I have retried a few times, yes even the dreaded FFX-2, despite the fact it had silly concepts and unoriginal story it became addicting at times.
Final Fantasy XII for the simple fact that there is absolutely no emotional connection to anything in the game. The only reason I finished the game was out of mere compulsion and not a driving need to find out what happens to the world or the characters.

There was very littl depth to the story and at the end there was no feeling of progression. I can't really even say if there was a point A or a point B. It felt as if the nothing was really going on.
Not really sure if there is a worst Final Fantasy, but there is plenty that most fans dislike the most

Final Fantasy II - Because of it's more mission-like storyline, and werid battle leveling up system, FFII can tend to be disliked by a few fans.

Final Fantasy VIII- The Junction system. High School like characters, and cheesy romance storyline twists, can make some FF fans squrim.

Final Fantasy IX-Final Fantasy IX is often ''too werid '' for most Final Fantasy Fans, and the strange characters and storyline can put people off from playing.

Final Fantasy XII- lack of storyline and character development can make FF12 be disliked very easily. And the slow pace of some,very impatient.

Final Fantasy X-2- Umm- don't know what to say- basically most fans dislike it because it of the less serious storyline, and im-mature characters

Not likeing Final Fantasy 12 at the moment, so voted for that game ( *-can't stand it *-) but actually think that Final Fantasy XI is the worst.
It's just a online game, that most fans can't play and looks like a bore.
Dirge of Cerberus wasnt that bad, I liked it. X-2 had to be the worst game ever not just of final fantasy. I was so pissed when I beat X and then played that garbage.
Dirge of Cerberus wasnt that bad, I liked it. X-2 had to be the worst game ever not just of final fantasy. I was so pissed when I beat X and then played that garbage.

More effort in your post please, say why you yuo think this game is so bad, thanks ^^