Worst Final Fantasy Game

The Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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I ind that FFX was a terrible game. I couldn't connect to the story, I found Tidus was a very energetic person who was sometimes to energetic (my opinion), I also find they modelled Tidus like a girl. I dunno why but I just can't take him serious. Wakka wasn't one of my favourites either. And Blitzball has to be THE WORST MINIGAME/SIDEQUEST EVER.... I didn't get the controls, the game didn't do what I wanted it to do, so damn frustrating..
Hello! First time poster here! I actually voted for FFXII, controversial maybe but the game had absolutely no emotion in it what so ever, no stand out moments the characters were awful even Balthier the most enigmatic one bored me. I mean Captain Basch did not say a word for the long stretch of at least 30 hours! (play it again if you dont believe me) i didnt like the Gambit system, it really took the joy out of frantically finding that last potion or elixer when the computer would just do it for you, a terrible battle system and i also really missed the transition from exploring to battle, say what you want. FFXII was weak, just because it was the longest and has the most quests does not make it the best.

Forgive me another problem with XII - the Espers were absolutely Useless!! they were a hindrance more than a help, i used to love the Summons, Aeons & Espers. But every new Esper i got was utter pants! and offered no help to me in any battle and cost me many, the only useful one was Belias to get you through that damn door!! Sorry but XII was a major disappointment, especially waiting so long for it to come out aswell :(
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For me it's both FFII and FFVIII. Main reason behind II is the damndable leveling system. VIII I hated just about everything in it. From the chars to the blasted draw system. I'd rather have the old charge system where each spell is asigned a lvl and you can cast each spell set number of times per level befor rest/ether or an mp system where each spell has different mp costs. Though I did find one guy that basicaly says what I feel about the game in several videos that's entertaining to watch. Note: I found him after I beat the game.

FinalFantasyWard, I merged your 2 posts together since they were one right after another. Posting back-to-back like that is Double Posting. If you are still the last poster and wish to add more to the topic, just go back and edit your post however you like.

Welcome to the site by the way. :)
The worst Final Fantasy has to be 9 because of the graphics. It's cartoonish characters weren't appealing to me. As for the story, it couldn't compete with the previous games.
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Well i would go for NONE, in my hoble opinion cause i think every one has it's own unique place in the FF history but anyway...

I voted for FFIII the NES version...It simple doesn't appeal to me as a FF gamer and doesn't get me too much excited to reach completion!
My least favorite is Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the GC (I haven't played the other CC's so I don't know if those have improved).

From what I remember you played it with a game link cable to your Game Boy Advance right? Yeah I didn't like that at all, plus you had to carry around that lantern looking thing and if you didn't have anybody else to play with (like me) then it wasn't really fun.
i absolutely hated XII, i jsut couldn't get into it compared to the others

BUT thats not to say its a bad game, its just not the best of the final fantasies really I mean, any fianl fantasy is good, it just has to live up to alot theres no bad final fantasy that I've played really
read me

I went with FF12, no character development and LB was kinda gay. Storyline was the same Shit happening over ad over again. Also I don't like games that take forever to complete. So yeah FF12 is my most hated and FF 2 is a close second.
I went with FF12, no character development and LB was kinda gay. Storyline was the same Shit happening over ad over again. Also I don't like games that take forever to complete. So yeah FF12 is my most hated and FF 2 is a close second.
I actually thinks the storyline worth playing.

What the hell is the "LB"?!

The game was pretty easy and didn't took me that long to complete it *About 9 days only*. I think this is the shortest FF game if you are talking about time duration.
I actually thinks the storyline worth playing.

What the hell is the "LB"?!

The game was pretty easy and didn't took me that long to complete it *About 9 days only*. I think this is the shortest FF game if you are talking about time duration.

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Also, lets not derail the topic and add what YOU think is the worst FF game please ^^
I've only played VII, VIII, X, X-2 and XII and out of those X-2 is the worst by far.

I hated almost everythting about that game (the soundtrack had a couple of alright tracks but that was about it). Yuna and Rikku's characters were completely messed up. The shift from being serious and tragic to light hearted and bubbly was stupid. And really the game just felt like what it was, a half arsed attempt by Square to milk FFX for some extra cash.

XII isn't as bad as alot of people make out. Ok so the story went to hell about half way through but the gameplay was new and fresh, the soundtrack was pretty good (steller in some places, such as the Theme Of The Empire and the Boss Theme) and alot of the locations were pretty cool. Basch and Gabranth's storyline was cool too, especially on the Bahamut.
Final Fantasy 8, the characters were very flat ( and by characters i mean Squall ) the storyline did not in-tress me and i also disliked the fact you could already summon Shiva ect at the start, while in the other FF games you get ( them later ) it was also supposed to be a modern FF game but i felt the mix was not good at all FF7 was more of an appealing 'mix of the modern age and fantasy ' also Squall reminded me to much of Cloud and I'm no big fan of Cloud so there lol.

storyline wise i vote for FF7 Cloud was really annoying Sephiroth's motive and goal did not made any sense at all he just went nuts after reading some books. While i like the other characters (Aeris Barret Red ect were fun ) but Caith Sith Tifa and Cloud the were boring to me.
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I must agree with most people saying FFX-2 is the worst Final Fantasy game ever. The battle system was a no, having just 3 playable characters was a no, the way you traveled the world was a no (Which I think of FFX, too), the whole game was just a no. I believe the only purpose FFX-2 served was to show off 3 ladies in sexy attire.

Also, Kellox; Shush, Squall's awesome. xD
X2 in it's own right, isn't awful. Bad, but not awful. It's fun trying to learn every move for every sphere and do all the missions. However the whole story seemed forced. I hate how they randomly changed Yuna's personality. The story was weak, the musi irritating, but it can be fun. In relation to the FF series, it never should have happned. I pretend it is not pat of the series.

XII is also irritating. I hate the battle system, and the characters don't feel real. You know they are ficticious and rarely REALLY feel for them, the way you do in VII and X.
I'm not particularly a fan of FFII. I'm currently playing FFIV, but not sure what to think of it yet.

I know there are a lot of people out there that have a hate-on for FFX-2, but I loved playing it. It was silly and I liked the game mechanics. It was fun.