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  1. soldjavii

    Soldja's Video Shop ;

    SOLDJAVII'S VIDEO SHOP! That's right! I make videos of all kinds! ;3 Take a look if you want to see before you request! I do any pairing (for the sake of something new, different, etc. so yes I do Cloti) I do any story you give me, any song, etc. Rules: 1...
  2. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    Riiight.... And I know, Cloti, but he's trying to say Aerith didn't have a huge part and what not. Aerith's death was APART of saving the world--it was gonna happen, we didn't know it, but it had to be done. The game wouldn't be the game if Aerith wasn't killed.
  3. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    The materia didn't change to white til' it hit the bottom of the water! :ffs:
  4. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    You really need to go re-play the game because it wasn't UNTIL Aerith was killed that Holy was in motion. Get. Over. It.
  5. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    Her death was apart of her saving the world. She couldn't stop herself from getting killed--she knew it was coming. Before she left for the sleeping forest, she tells Cloud "It's only a matter of time before Sephiroth uses Meteor. That's why I'm going to protect it. Only a survivor of the Cetra...
  6. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    I don;t care what you think--Aerith did save the world, if it wasn't for her, Holy would of failed to save the planet. She was and still is a big and important factor to FFVII.
  7. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    I'm sorry, but, I think you failed to see the ending FMV. You know, where Holy wasn't enough and Aerith and everyone else who died helped make the Lifestream come out to help Holy and to save the world. So yeah, Aerith DID save the world. I don't even think you played the whole way through if...
  8. soldjavii

    Young Hero: A Denzel Fan Club

    The Young Hero We All Love Rules: 1. No spamming, flaming, or hate comments towards the character. 2. No talk of the LTD (ex. Denzel being Aerith and Cloud's child, etc. etc..) 3. You must love Denzel! 4. No inappropriate pictures of Denzel or Denzel with someone, etc. 5. Have fun...
  9. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    Aerith played her part beautifully, and is not overrated. Her death was announced to have "taught fans how to cry" and her memory lives on and she still plays a large role even in AC. More screen time or not--she still gets as much attention and love.
  10. soldjavii

    Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

    Just wanted his money? Brah, I think you need to re-play the game because that's deffinatly not what Aerith just wanted him for. She really loved and cherished Cloud, and in no way did she use him. As for me, all three! :ohshit: Aerith: She;s so bright, so caring. You just can't resist that...
  11. soldjavii

    hi ppl

    Well, alright then.. ahem.
  12. soldjavii

    hi ppl

    I wear black band shirts? I have black hair? I wear eyeliner? Tight jeans, studded belts, band hoodies, etc. and I'm deff. not classified nor do I try to classify myself as "emo". What a fake category.
  13. soldjavii

    hi ppl

    No, I just hate that word for many personal reasons. It's not the best word to throw around either or call yourself. Plus, emotional, emotions. I'm pretty sure everyone has emotions? And gets emotional. I don't know why it's a category. :/
  14. soldjavii

    hi ppl

    No, I don't, but I've never heard someone call themselves that.
  15. soldjavii

    hi ppl

    You';re uh,....emo? o.O
  16. soldjavii

    The Most Moving Cut Scene.

    I know it's unoriginal but Aerith's and Zack's deaths moved me. The music for Zack's ending kinda hit me there, and his final words. And Cloud's scream just made me twitch o.x A scene that made me angry was in Tifa's bar, and you could choose between giving the flower to Tifa or Marlene, and if...
  17. soldjavii

    Angelic Shinigami's Shoppe

    that's sooo gorgeous, thank you so much!
  18. soldjavii

    Angelic Shinigami's Shoppe

    Hi Angelic ^^ I was looking through your thread and everything is so gorgeous! Could you make me a Tifa sig with the words "Locked Heart" on it? And please use this picture?
  19. soldjavii

    Screw Cloud! We're Lesbians Now

    I actually really love this pairing ^^ May I join?
  20. soldjavii

    The Zack/Cloud Fan Club ♥

    Could I join? :D I love this couple, a lot. Btw, have any of you seen the new ACC trailer? ^^; So much clack.