Aerith Overrated?

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Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
It has been brought up in the thread "Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith" that Aerith is an overrated character. While I don't necessarily agree with that statement, I do find it peculiar that there is so much support for a character that did not live through the entire game. Do you think Aerith is overrated? If so, why?

Please do not bring up any discussion about any possible romantic feelings Aerith and Cloud may have had or been intended to have. This is not meant to be a romance discussion thread of any sort.
As much as I dislike Aerith, it cannot be denied that her memory was intended to last until the end of the game. Sure, she dies in disc one, but her part in the story doesn't die with her. So it stands to reason that people can still support her in that fashion.

That being said, I've always felt like she was a shallow, annoying, whinny-baby character who wasn't particularly likeable. She suited her purpose just fine, but won't be getting any awards from me.
I believe that's because of her sudden death and the way she dies,it is very tragic,and cannot be forgotten easily.That's how she earned many fans but also because there were many funny situations going around her.
I think she is valued exactly as she should... she is a lovely character that have a lot of fans, and also a lot of haters.
If she were for example more popular than Cloud or Tifa I would said yes(because those characters have had more development and screentime than her)but that is not the case.
Aerith played her part beautifully, and is not overrated. Her death was announced to have "taught fans how to cry" and her memory lives on and she still plays a large role even in AC. More screen time or not--she still gets as much attention and love.
I think that Aerith used to be very over-rated. However, I think that it's pretty balanced between Aerith and Tifa at the moment. That's only looking through my eyes, however.

I think that sometimes her bigger fans over-glorify her, as if she's this perfect girl. I think Aerith was like an angel, but she still had her flaws. Also, her death had a huge impact. She was a very likeable character, and then her life ended so suddenly. It didn't seem fair.
I think she is overrated because near all of the people entering the FF universe believes that she was some sort of martyr. That is false she didn't die for a cause she died, because she was dumb. She could have easily have dodged Sephiroth's attack which means that she is either oblivious to someone dropping down, or she is just dumb.
Kuhn, perhaps you didn't understand her death entirely. I fully believe she went to the City of the Ancients for the purpose of Sephiroth killing her after activating Holy. The implication at the end of the game, and the possibility of it is enforced in Advent Children, is that Aerith herself, in the Lifestream, aided Holy in defeating Meteor.

And either way, when a person is falling from above you, not in your line of sight, you're not going to hear it unless they are yelling or something. Sephiroth was pretty silent in the process.
That is partially true. It would have to be pitch dark for her not to notice him, because while falling he would have had a shadow that would have been visible or a reflection. Also he wore clothes that would have been flapping, so there would have been sound. As for helping Holy; no Aerith didn't help it. Cloud and the rest did by defeating Sepiroth. Aerith played no major part other then summoning Holy. That was finished before she died, so that means that she died in vain.
you do have a point about his clothes flapping about.

I think she did play a part. It showed her face on the screen, the same one from the beginning of the game I know, when the Lifestream starting pouring out. She was influencing the planets actions from the other side, just like she does in AC. The way I see it, her and Sephiroth were pushing against each other, and when he was killed it allowed her to push The Lifestream out towards Meteor because Sephiroth was out of the picture.
you do have a point about his clothes flapping about.

I think she did play a part. It showed her face on the screen, the same one from the beginning of the game I know, when the Lifestream starting pouring out. She was influencing the planets actions from the other side, just like she does in AC. The way I see it, her and Sephiroth were pushing against each other, and when he was killed it allowed her to push The Lifestream out towards Meteor because Sephiroth was out of the picture.
But that would mean that she would not have had to die. Because then she could have done what Sephiroth did. Do it while she was alive.
That is partially true. It would have to be pitch dark for her not to notice him, because while falling he would have had a shadow that would have been visible or a reflection. Also he wore clothes that would have been flapping, so there would have been sound. As for helping Holy; no Aerith didn't help it. Cloud and the rest did by defeating Sepiroth. Aerith played no major part other then summoning Holy. That was finished before she died, so that means that she died in vain.

I'm sorry, but, I think you failed to see the ending FMV. You know, where Holy wasn't enough and Aerith and everyone else who died helped make the Lifestream come out to help Holy and to save the world. So yeah, Aerith DID save the world. I don't even think you played the whole way through if you think of Aerith that way.
I saw the ending, but from what I noticed is that Holy was like a flood to the spot that means that either Sephiroth would have been stronger then meteor (Meaning meteor was pointless.), or Sephiroth was using that energy to aid himself. That means that they were not fighting against him; they were freed once he was defeated.
I don;t care what you think--Aerith did save the world, if it wasn't for her, Holy would of failed to save the planet. She was and still is a big and important factor to FFVII.
hum. You know what She was just the beginning; you know why? In the game they state that Sephiroth is trying to absorb mako, the souls of the dead, this means that he could absorb her through the life stream. When you killed him she got released. This has backing by the game your theory does not.
Aerith saved the planet.Even if she was dead she aid to the rescue of the planet through the Lifestream,that's the power of the Cetra(it is officially being said)
Her death was apart of her saving the world. She couldn't stop herself from getting killed--she knew it was coming. Before she left for the sleeping forest, she tells Cloud "It's only a matter of time before Sephiroth uses Meteor. That's why I'm going to protect it. Only a survivor of the Cetra, like me, can do it." And then Cloud says to Tifa & Barret, "Only the Ancients.. Only Aeris can save us from Meteor."

So yeah, it was all Aerith, she saved the world, with the help of Cloud and the team, but Aerith was a HUGE factor. No matter what you say. The evidence is there.
But she didn't have to die. This means that she was dumb about it. Also you have to think someone was absorbing lots of mako this means that mako for holy was being used for something else. Not only that, but also if you dam up a stream and then remove the dam once it quits rising you will have a massive flood of water go through. The same thing for Holy. In effect she should have dodged the attack because Holy is only effected by the amount of mako in the world.
You really need to go re-play the game because it wasn't UNTIL Aerith was killed that Holy was in motion. Get. Over. It.
That is wrong, if you watch the cinematic when it shows the materia falling out of her hair it was already the correct colour before she died. This means that holy was in motion before she died. Granted that she did set it into motion, she didn't have to die.
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