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  1. sesshomaru's_girl

    Vector Industries

    specific.... um....hmmm.. i really dont know how to explain.... umm do you think that you could make one of the pictures (or more) into a sig??? not exactly the same pic but the same mood?? i dont know if that helps.
  2. sesshomaru's_girl

    Vector Industries

    hiya could you make me one like this or with the same principles?? please and thank you!!
  3. sesshomaru's_girl


    ohhh well i asked the black cat shop how long does it take them??
  4. sesshomaru's_girl

    The Black Cat's Shop hiya umm im new so i dont reallly know wat to do but do you think you could make somethin like this??? its free right if not then nevermind sorry i bothered you!:) oops! i forgot could you put yuki on it anywhere is fine!! thanx!!!
  5. sesshomaru's_girl


    hehe!! okay im not that much like him but you know every once in a while...but im definitly not as bad as him!! thanx for the shops umm does it cost real money???
  6. sesshomaru's_girl

    Most annoying anime character ever?

    hmph i love yuki but i tllty hate...darn it i forgot the name.
  7. sesshomaru's_girl

    Claim an anime character

    yuki from fruits basket pretty please hmm or haru either one!
  8. sesshomaru's_girl

    Yes or No Game

    umm i guess...oh and i love rats!!! oops sorry umm. hmm.... anyone got a crush?? ahh i do like bagels i was anwering a diff question srry!
  9. sesshomaru's_girl


    huh?? im the dog but i love rats!
  10. sesshomaru's_girl

    Anyone know who yuki sohma is??

    okay umm lets see here.... Yuki is a guy...ummm he's an anime character...and its Kyo not Ryo... does that help at all?? oh and if u dont know who they are read fruits basket or watch it either one!!:)
  11. sesshomaru's_girl


    thanx for the message!! hey i wanna join!!! please?? i love fruits basket!!!
  12. sesshomaru's_girl

    Where did you get your username from?

    mines from Fruits Basket, a manga series, Yuki is the like the hottest one there...
  13. sesshomaru's_girl

    im new

    ME too!! lol
  14. sesshomaru's_girl

    Hi there

  15. sesshomaru's_girl

    Anyone know who yuki sohma is??

    anyone know who yuki sohma is?? if you do, are you a big fan?? if so then this is where you speak up!
  16. sesshomaru's_girl

    im new

    thank you!
  17. sesshomaru's_girl

    For Yuki Sohma lovers only

    hey everyone!! this is where you can talk all about...Yuki Sohma please im new at this so be nice!!
  18. sesshomaru's_girl

    im new

    thank you all!!!!
  19. sesshomaru's_girl

    im new

    thank you everyone!!! thank you all for greeting me!! :)
  20. sesshomaru's_girl

    im new

    hello to everyone!!! i am yuki_13 but please call me yuki!!