Where did you get your username from?

Well, I don't know how, but the name Silariaz just popped up in my head one time I was trying to create a username.
I've been using it ever since, only place I don't use it is on msn(call myself Freddy there, short for Frederic) and in shooter games(usually call myself Silent_zone, Silent-zone or Silentzone there xP)
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My username came from my very first RP character: Rheachel. =]
"sheepie" - I was born in the (Chinese Zodiac) Year of the Ram/Sheep/whatever you want to call it (1991).
Read about teh sheeps here:
Plus, due to the month I was born in (September), I am also a sheep (element: metal). September is the Month of the Sheep...
Read about metal elements here:

So I am PURE SHEEP. Woo.

And the "killer" part? Eh. I'm killer, dude. X^

I've been using this screen name for about a year now, on various sites...
I got mine from the anime called, "Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien." A character named Mitsuki is my favorite there. ^_^ And I noticed a lot of people would pronounce it "Mit-su-ki"...erm, it's actually pronounced, "Mits-Ki." That being said, I hope everyone will say it in the proper way when they see me around here. ^_^

EDIT: Lol, well ok, not actually "say" it...but you get the gist.
Well, I've always liked the name Angel, so one day about 8 years ago I named myself that, and that's who I've been ever since. The e-last name has changed a few times though. I was Angel Almasy for about 5 years everywhere I went, then about 3 years ago I fell in love with Vincent Valentine, and changed my e-last name to Valentine. So......yeah ^^;
well I used to be called Angel on every forum I was on till I found one where it was taken then I thought i'd just go with Exiled Angel and that one was not taken. So I've got it because I love the word Angel and if I can't have that one I got for this one. Which is better in someways.
Oddly enough, I also got mine from the dictionary.

I was grounded once for 9 months, from just about everything outside, and all electronics inside (yes, including the microwave :dry:). So... after running out of books to read around the house, I picked up the dictionary. The word omniscient (meaning "all knowing") wasn't new to me, but I thought it sounded cool. Onus (meaning "burden") also sounded cool. Seeing as how both words not only sounded cool, but when I put them together (because they both start with an "O", duh) something in my head clicked. While I may not be "all knowing", I guess somewhere in my mind I've always kinda thought of myself as exactly that, an all-knowing burden.

That was about 5 years ago. It's just kinda stuck from then.

I also go by OmniOnus, which is just a shortened version, or my previous user name/screen name DisAlienMud, which came from trying to think of some of my favorite band names, and how parts of them could possibly create a half-assed sentence. And Dis(turbed)Alien(Ant Farm)Mud(vayne) was the result. Both of these names are basically the sum total of all the work I ever bothered to do in high school (no offense Mr. Akers, should you somehow be reading this :P)

I also, every once in awhile when joining a site that my friends often visit, will go by Furman, which is my last name, and the only name of mine which most people knew since around the 4th grade.
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