Where did you get your username from?

Well, after playing Sonic Adventure 2, I developed a liking for Shadow. As the games went by, I liked him even more. So that's why I call myself Shadow the hedgehog.
This name just popped right off the top of my head, it's hella cool it'nit? I also went by Quizmaster, Forget-me-not, and The_birds_and_the_bees.
I made mine up. I had no idea that it was a comic book character that is practically a God. xD

It's not to be with "Strife" as in Cloud Strife. Don't think of me as some fan-boy.
My bro adresses me by "Skill Saw". I have no idea where he got it from, and why he calls me that. It's just a nickname, I guess.

I thought it sounded cool, so I chose it as my *new* username.
its a choice between blademaster and ffguy (which i chose) because they are simple to remember and i am on most of the forums i am on

U-Neek is one of my usernames I usually use. U-Neek happens to be the producer of one of my favourite Hip Hop Groupps, BTNH. Also if you say my name backwards real fast it sounds like Unique.

Light is the name of one of my favourite anime chaaracters. Yagami Light. -_-
Zombiex well thats easy my band name my band calls me that because i am never really paying attention and because one of my favorite movies/ game is resident evil.
Chaos Theory was my username at my former forum, Blootix Revolution. It was a good account, so I simply decided to keep it for here as well.
My username is from kingdom hearts series, the main character Sora. Then i watched some anime i dodn't remember the name and the girl i liked was called Sora.
Actually, my name I simply made up, because I'm the ultimate dragon lover and I like fantasy. so 'Dragon Mage' seemed to fit quite well. According to various others, it's a very awesome name. *feels proud*
Vanilla is one of my favorite Gackt songs. Also, its one of my most hated ice cream flavor. ^_^
I always loved the winter so I came up with a name that had to do with the cold, and I guess I have a liking for other languages and happened to pick German. Thus, ice prince ---> eisprinz
the girl in the upcoming game ff13 has a code name of lightning and then the guy in ff versus13 has been rumored to b named storm i think so i put those two together and then there both part of the ff13 compilation so i put 13 on the end