Where did you get your username from?

Mine has been my nickname since school. I added one z cause i think it looks cooler.
Well, I was in a panic and was trying to come up with a username, so put 'Princess' and then mashed the keyboard.
Honestly, it all comes back from Final Fantasy II, I wanted to rename the main character but I couldn't think of anything good. so I punched in Consonant, vowel 3 times and redid it until I got something that sounded good enough.
I got Amelia from me, since it's my first name, and Jinx from my really freak-oriented personality. I wonder if it really means something...dunnoo, dunnoo, we'll find out soon enough.
i got mine from a song by the doors
and also its one of selphie's limit breaks
When I was 12, I registered with SASS (Single Action Shooting Society) under the name Professor Ruger. When I joined Runescape, I was thirteen at the time, and since Ruger seemed inappropriate, I dropped it and added 13. Ever since, my screen name has always been professor13 for everything, and 13 has become by and large my favorite number.
I got mine from my favorite RPG of all time, Phantasy Star. Lassic was the main villain in the story. My avatar is actually Ghalleon however, the main villain from Lunar.
It's from Devil May Cry 3. Vergil is the main antagonist and is just generally awesome.
Mines from Orannis the Destroyer, from the Abhorsen book trilogy. It's pretty much a sentient silver sphere that destroys planets, and can't be killed; he could only be bound.
Well, mine's from one of the greatest sub-characters who has a reat part in the game(Final Fantasy XII) and is a great and helpful guest character aswel!
Reddas sacrifices his life at the end of the game for the good of the world...:sad2:. This is very upsetting but is good for the story.
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