Where did you get your username from?

Sephiroth is like awesum...so i can relate and when i noticed that it was free i had to change my username
Laro, well I went to an incredible zoo in Spain called Loro Parque. I love animals, obviousely. I named myself Laro because I thought that was the name of it. So here I am. Not Loro but Laro :P
CharrX, because my Username on the first forum i registered myself I called myself "CharmeleonEX" (Charmeleon is a Pokemon)

After some time I shortened the name, so now it's CharrX^^
I picked my name because Stella looks like she's going to be a really interesting character. It's not over-used yet like Tifa, Garnet, Yuna, ect. so I get to be the first! ^^
From since a kid everyone calls me Ruca, short for my first-last name, I just added the K, because it sounds better. This is the first and only forum I use the name Ruka.

Tought everyone knows me by Ruka (regardless the username) on other foruns/Msn etc...
Mine just...is. :wacky:
Although I've had many a name change, I keep finding myself coming back to this one because it's unique. It's not something in a few months time someone else is going to have. 8D
I created the name "Argor" when I was a kid playing Smackdown games and making my own characters... I liked the name Argor, and so did my friend.
A while later when I joined Habbo hotel I was thinking of names to use... Said friend suggested I call myself Argor, and a number. When thinking of a number we came up with "251".... Just a random number really. But when put in the context of hotmail accounts, it sort of works well as it rhymes. Argor251@hotmail.com = Awesome :D.

Thus my main internet name was born! I don't know why I particulary liked the name Argor... I know theres an anime around now or something that uses it, so other people have obviously created the word up themselves as well... But at the time, I had no influences, and just wacked out any old name.

So... My online names are almost always variations of Argor. On consoles I tend to use True Argor or True_Argor as my online name, because once upon a time it wouldn't let me have plain Argor (and numbers at the time on PS2 were not allowed for some reason), so I wanted to state to the world that I was the REAL Argor... Everyone else who may use the name is phoney!

So True Argor finds its way into places as well... PS3 gametag, Last.fm etc. I actually prefer the sound of this name anyway. So in a way I sort of wish that my FFF name had been True Argor as well.
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I was bored of Artemis, and I'm totally loving Fleetwood Mac lately...especially the Stevie Nicks led songs....so put 2+2 together ;D
I just started watching Blood+, and I was think of making my name confuse people. I choose Haji, because I thought that I would want to be him instead of any of the other guys in the series.
I changed mine from my usual Bambi, to The Reigning Deity because I beat Minerva on Crisis Core and doing all those god awful missions and the occassion just had to be marked. Never again I tell you >_>
When i was first browsing this forum ( before i joined ) i read a thread called '' the laguna dream world ' when it came to choosing a name that was still stuck in my head. laguna dream....i just added the S. Hes also one of my fav characters so its all good.
Well after being SorceressEdea7 forever, When i got promoted to staff i realized i was the only staffer with a number in their username. I wanted to stay with the Edea theme though, and I thought Lady Edea sounded pretty
Being Carrier Of Hope forever and a day, I thought to myself last month, whilst browsing the Twilight page on MySpace, "Why not re-name myself Bella Swan, after the main character in Twilight?". I don't think I'll be changing for a while. :D
Umm i way Zieg the lone one.... cuz when i joined i was lonely. But then I suddenly became obsessed with Vincent so i search and search through the user names and found the previous owner of my name (vincent valentine) hadn't been active since like 2006... so i thieved it..... MUHAHAHAHa and plus my personality matches vincents well..

V.V :vincent:
Mine's quite simple really. Dark Paladin is my online identity which I randomly made whilst playing warcraft. Ever since then it's just stuck. Dark Paladin is usually me. If not I might be Brown Thunder if my regular username is taken.
BustaKillaMove21 was my AIM screen name about 7 or 8 years ago in 9th grade and instead of having it that long as a user name here on forums, I shortened it to BustaMo, basically Mo stands for "Move".
Well my real name is Sacha, so yeah I just felt the need to shorten it and add 'man' to the end of it. I altered the spelling though so people wouldn't pronounce it as "Satchman". Plus I think my spelling looks cooler as opposed to 'Sachman'

I've been using this as a nickname since year 7 and it is one of the many nicknames my friends call me.

And that is why the Username :monster:
I had gone through a ton of usernames but most of them just didn't fit me. I was never good at coming up with usernames. The one I am using currently is my only creative name I ever thought of and it has grown on to me since then. I was a big Tekken fan at the time I came up with this username and being these two were a couple and my favorites, I just stuck with the name Kazuya x Jun - uya = kazxjun.
Not to hard to relate to you this name. After switching from console to PC games, I decided to pick up a 2d rpg called Legends of Kesmai. This came out way prior to Ultima Online ever hit, and thanks to Ultima Online.. it seized to exist.

My first name was Chilly - being 13 years of age and playing as a Mage/Wiz - I thought it was fitting, also my personality had reflected this name very evenly. After moving to FPS's the name stopped fitting as much, so I started playing with the name Chillz. Most people knew me in CS, TFC, Quake 3, and other games by this name.. This is the name most people still call me in real life if they met me in game prior to meeting me in person. Chishu was a recent thing, from WoW to FFXI - the name chishu comes from the combination of two words.

First WoW already had a chillz - no surprise there, but oddly enough WoW was only out for a month before I bought it. So I combined one of my more favorite name "Shu" which means Master and Chi - which was short for chillz.

In games I go by Krazyshu - or anything else "Shu" really. Chillz is my retired gamer handle. I'll keep it like that.