Where did you get your username from?

More effort please guys. Say why you chose it, if you like it etc.
Well . . . I just happened to see the name and I liked it, short and simple. xD
I used to be "Dark Cloud" and dragged many to put Dark in their names, but then I changed it to "Kei". xD

Well.. The name is based on the word Cherub -- as in the class of angel. I wanted to give it my own spin, and I thought chærubia sounded more unique in comparison. I included a Norwegian vowel too, for personality.
Mine is randomly generated from my many personalities (I consider the mind to be made up of multiple beings, all a different personalities). That way, I never wear the same mask twice.

Here I am Kamon Mason, the mask that dignifies my true self.
My name has basicaly been the same for many years. It's basicaly the first user name I've ever created and I've used it ever since. Though it has gone through a few changes over time. Started as Game_Geekz then when I decided to change it on a site due to a new email it became Game_Geeks. Eventualy I just ended up removing the underscore makeing it GameGeeks.
One of my earliest usernames, merely decided to go back to it.

I created this back then since i decided my Confirmation name to be Ezekiel, who's a Prophet. Furthermore, I'm kinda happy with this name too, doesn't sound all that bad, does it?
It's the name of a character of the book "American Gods", written by Neil Gaiman.
I love that book and always tought she was a very sad and unfortunate character, and it sounds like a good name.
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My username comes from the Shakesperean play Hamlet. As well as the book "Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead", which borrows the two characters from the play and and turns them into a comedy act of sorts, Which i quite liked a fair bit.

That along with the fact that the name is in one of my all time favourite games, Vagrant Story, gave me all the more reason to do so, plus Rosencrantz sounds better than Guildenstern anyway.
Hmmm.. Lessee...
Have you watch the movie Underworld? No? I got it from that movie.
Lucian is the leader of the Lycans (a.k.a. Werewolves). I used it after watching the latest "episode" of Underworld where the Lycan's history was unfold. I also think that lycans are more COOLER than vampires. Lycans can survive even if they don't eat.
Well, I'm currently on Moondancer, because my little girl is obsessed with my litle pony at the moment, and I kinda got carried away with it myself, although all the shit got left at my mums, and now the novelty has wore off >_> Stuck with the name for a few more days yet xD

Not sure what I'l be going to next, probably Bambi which is what most of yuo know me as anywy. Someone just called me that one day -and it stuck so Ive been using it as my online nae ever since
Hi all, I'm new to the forum, I thought this would be a good thread to start on. I chose this username, not only cos the Cid's are all sweet characters (especially highwind, not headmaster so much {even tho im sure he was a balla in his day}). But also cos my name is Cid, spelled the same and all. So ... rep it if u got it. Good to be here
i think its pretty obvious.
and sorry for the short post, but theres really nothing more to say about that....i think
From Feb 2004 - Feb 2005, I was originally called DarkYuna, cos of my obsession of Yunie! After I got tired of that (which was PRETTY fast), I randomly decided ont he name of Ravencroft. I have been called Ravencroft since then. It wasn't until like a year ago I found out that Raven(s)croft is an English surname: http://www.surnamedb.com/surname.aspx?name=Ravenscroft

Ravencroft is also the name of my OC, Ravencroft Destati. Her soul currently lives inside of my other OC, Kazumi Murasaki.
I picked Phoenix as part of the staff summon theme, but since Jean Grey's my favourite X Men character, it worked fine with me to keep it that way, since I flit from username to username anyway, I'll probably stick with Phoenix for a few months, and then probably go back to Artemis...unless something else catches my attention :awesome:
Can't put it any simplier....
It totally explains me :awesome:
Ever since i was little my mom said that i was super energetic and always hyper and happy:-)
That and i like the word for a username.. its different but totally wicked :D.
Well 5 years ago I was playing Lunar Silver star stories, and when I thought of Lunar I thought of cold, So I chose Freeze to go with it.