Where did you get your username from?

Well, it's easy to guess why I chose MY name >_>.. I like the color purple. And it sounds cool, too.
Back in 2000 I registered on Square Europe's message board. It was a terrible entity where all posts had to have staff approval before they were actually posted, and sometimes it could take up to a week for that to happen! It was the first board I ever posted on though, and I quickly got addicted.

Through talking to other members about the (at the time) highly anticipated Final Fantasy XI, I eventually joined a group of members who were equally rabid about it and looking forward to it just as much as I was. We decided to form a clan/guild (way before the game was ever released I might add!) and named ourselves Kupo's Court. So to keep in style with that name, we all stylished ourselves Queens, Princesses, Lords, Ladies, Knights and so on. My first name is Kenneth, so that became Sir Kenneth in Kupo's Court. We never actually got to play FF XI together, but we still stuck together for a couple of years and started a bit of a writer's circle where we built our own fantasy world in which we would set our roleplays and short stories.

I've stuck with Sir Kenneth as my online alias ever since (it's been close to 10 years now) and even though that I've tried out other usernames from time to time, I always come back to my original and first :)
I'm totally obsessed with Fleetwood Mac at the moment, and since Stevie Nicks has the most distinctive voice, the best solo material, and is like, the face of the band, I picked her name to be my username. She's my favourite member too, so it makes sense to me.

Plus, I had some pre-made sets that I really wanted to use, I just needed a reason to do so! xD
Well back in my original FF Forums days.. back when I used to be on TFF, the original FFCC and TGP, my username was always Dark Angel. I liked that.. it suited me.
Then, the TV series of the same name came out! And I got sooo annoyed at everyone thinking I was a big fangirl (which I wasn't) and I just decided it was time for it to go.

Ethereal has always been a very catching name to me. It means 'other-wordly' 'aparition' 'fantasy' - just had quite a dark elegance to it. :) And I've been that ever since, and plan to stay as that user name.
Well, it may be obvious to some and not so much to others. It's a screenname I've used for many years on everything. I used to drive a 1998 black Mustang GT, so I made that name. It's totally odd, but I traded that car in close to 5 years ago in favor of a 2003 Cobra (the car in my avatar), but I stuck with the screenname because having different names in different places could be tough to keep track of.
Aurelie is the name I took up in World of Warcraft after getting a name change from "Oshkie", which seemed childish of a name. Aurelie seemed elegant and had more of a ring to it for me, but then people started pronouncing it like "orly".

I still love it enough to use as a forum username, though.
My name comes from Sailor Mercury from Sailor moon the series. I cos play as her and she is like my avatar in a metaphorical way she represents what i hope i represent in this world.

I experimented with usernames on different forums, noticed how people reacted to them and how I felt using those names, mostly based around the motif of dreams. Eventually I used my irl nickname and I think it's casual :l I feel 'normal', I guess.
Taken from Kingdom Hearts Organization XIV's member XII. Clearly the best organization member they have, and she's blonde and feisty so what more do you need? :monster:
Plus she's manipulative and could have easily handed Sora his arse in CoM :)
How did I pick Leo as a username....God, it's been so long I haven't really thought of it. Well, it first started out as a joke since I had been addicted to VGCats at the time and thought, 'why not?' But as I continued to post and use it when joining different forums, it just stuck and it grew on me. To this day, anyone I've really talked to remembers my name, even if we haven't talked in years. :P
Used to be known as Theoremkie. I made that up after learning Pyathogora's (or whatever) theorem, and I just added a "kie" on the end. Quite sad, I know.
So I changed it to Y u n m i i <3. It's a cute name.
I clearly think Im hilarious, and had the AMAZIN G idea of the top 3 posters changing their usertnames so it read


'Surprise' changed his name back, but Butt Sex still works, it's provided hours of amusement...simple things an' all that

But yer...:wacky:
To match a theme, of course! :dave: /peerpressure.

I like MOMO, and think she's cute. Also, her name is in Caps, so I can shove ! in front and it sounds like my old name :awesome:
And yes, Kelly, you are hilarious :monster:
One time when I was a younger kid (now 23) I was making a fantasy-based conspiracy game on RpgMaker2000 called Project Caedus. It was some crazy, spiraling population-control storyline and the word "caedus" means in Latin to "kill, murder, or slaughter" and other derivatives of the like. Since I'm so damn good at Tenchu: Stealth Assassins games, and the class Ninja was still available, I figured Caedus sounds like a pretty decent name for a cold killer - a ninja. Coming from Shinra, my name was Macabre, another word for my favorite Soul Calibur character, Nightmare. Maybe I subconsciously want to strike fear into all those who read my name, for FFPvP purposes or some crap. As of late, I've been wanting to change my name to either Sacrelige or Larkin, the last name of my favorite hard rock drummer from Godsmack. (Shannon Larkin) Sacrelige happened in the SB by accident and I pondered on the name cuz I was drunk. Maybe I still like it. I guess we'll know within the week.
Wellllllll. Rinoa is my favorite character from FFVIII, and FFVIII is my favorite. Thus, .Rinoa was born! The dot is just... I like it :P
Well, Sohryuden is the name of this manga I grew fond of. CLAMP, who wrote it, never actually got to finishing it, and now it's just like a short story. I still thought it was awesome though, so that's why it's my username. As for 666, I thought it's meaning in the Bible was interesting, so I decided to add it.
Anglekos is a term for vampires who only feed on the souls and blood of the wicked and not the innocent; in return, however, they became more wicked, like those they feast upon.
It's also my psuedonym.
DoomTrain is just bad ass ;) every enemy gets affected by at least ONE Of his status changes. He has kick ass abilities to give the person U pair him up w/. and my initials are D.T. haha