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  1. Zoey Hanson

    I need.....

    *Throws chocolate sushi at you* Theres your chocolate! Now return the favor... GIMME BLUE CHEESE SPAGHETTI! ~KTW
  2. Zoey Hanson

    Hello, members of FFF.

    No worries, I will have the best expierience possible. Thank you. ~KTW
  3. Zoey Hanson

    10,000 Bottles Of Beer on the wall...

    I never said I drink. I was copying someone else's quote. lol. My mom says I have some kind of obsession with beer. All because of my beer jokes. 9984 bottles of beer on the wall, 9984 bottles of beer. Take one down, toss it around, 9983 bottles of beer! ~KTW
  4. Zoey Hanson

    What's your favorite singer?

    Utada Hikaru. Her songs are so nice. They make me cry. My favorite song: Yes, she is my favorite singer. ~KTW
  5. Zoey Hanson

    Bwahaha...I am so nasty

    Yes, they do. It may be a pain to remember, and it also takes some time, but you get used to it. ~KTW
  6. Zoey Hanson

    The Institution of Silver Lake - Sign Up and Discussion

    Ah... a high school RP. My favorite kind of RP, besides animal ones, of course. No doubt that I will join. Name: Kannira Kusso Gender:Female Age:12 Teacher or Student: Student Year:2 Basic Info: Kannira is.. more of the lonely type. Before this, she was a happy, cheery, care-free girl. But, when...
  7. Zoey Hanson

    Bwahaha...I am so nasty

    Yes, I agree. I am pretty sure that this is completely made-up.:mad: ~KTW
  8. Zoey Hanson

    What was the latest Final Fantasy when you were born?

    Well, I didn't even HEAR about Final Fantasy until I was like..... 8. Lol. I haven't kept track. So, I really don't know..... ~KTW
  9. Zoey Hanson

    FF's Best WTF Moments

    Yes, I agree. I was thinking both "Aww, they are so cute!" and "WTF" ~KTW
  10. Zoey Hanson

    HP, MP, EXP. How do you fill them?

    Sorry. For some reason I read points. :shame: ~KTW
  11. Zoey Hanson

    HP, MP, EXP. How do you fill them?

    Sorry to be stubborn, but how do you recieve points? ~KTW
  12. Zoey Hanson

    HP, MP, EXP. How do you fill them?

    I know what each one stands for. But I don't really get it. How do you happen to fill those meters, and what are they for? I am curious..... ~KTW
  13. Zoey Hanson

    Last anime you watched

    Ginga Densetsu Weed- Episode 6 This was very interesting. Of course, Kaibutsu died. ~KTW
  14. Zoey Hanson

    10,000 Bottles Of Beer on the wall...

    9991 bottles of beer on the wall, 9991 bottles of beer. Take one down, toss it around, 9990 bottles of beer. ~KTW
  15. Zoey Hanson

    Bwahaha...I am so nasty

    Isn't that against the rules? ~KTW
  16. Zoey Hanson

    Hello, members of FFF.

    Yes, Wolf's Rain is cool, isn't it? Kuddos for Wolf's Rain! And thank you. My spelling was really bad at first, but I got better over the years. Anyway, I will have the best expierience here. And again, thank you! ~KTW
  17. Zoey Hanson

    Wolf's Rain:Journey to Paradise(SU Open!)

    Plot: The wolves have come to power once again. The humans have made a fatal mistake to think that they have become extinct. They believe that two hundred years ago was when they have been destroyed. They just happen to be wrong though. The wolves are in hiding, waiting for their appropriate...
  18. Zoey Hanson

    Wolf's Rain: Journey to Paradise

    Coming Soon. ~KTW
  19. Zoey Hanson

    RPG help

    Yes, you did. I really apreciate it. Thank you!^^ ~KTW