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  1. ChrisSquareFan

    Fav Job Combos?

    I remember using Time Mage with Dragoon, White Mage and Samurai
  2. ChrisSquareFan

    [V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

    Ace, everyone will love him, impossible not to. My faves are Seven (hot, looks like Lightning too), Sice, King and Queen.
  3. ChrisSquareFan

    [V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

    The Japanese version is out. It's BRILLIANT! Awesome battle system, large world map, great story (though sad), multiple replays and many tidbits that I can't understand because of the language. Also, summoning gives me the chills at times. Don't want to spoil, but to the end it gets scary :D I...
  4. ChrisSquareFan


    Thanks, everyone! Haha, I always thought that clowns are evil. Also, tails are normal, my cat agrees! Emos with scars on face? If I were a woman I would probably love them too =) Yeah, just finished Type 0 and I really can't wait for the English version :D
  5. ChrisSquareFan


    Hello, I was searching for a good Final Fantasy forum and I came by this one so I registered right away because I see it's lively :D Let me introduce myself. My name Is Chris, and the first FF I played was FFV. I know many don't find It interesting because of the story (seems it's bad, though I...
  6. ChrisSquareFan

    [V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

    Hello, I just finished Type 0, didn't understand much because my Japanese is not so great, and I'm currently playing XIII because the first time I played my save data got lost... Can't wait for XIII-2, Versus and an English version of Type 0!